Curious: how many gold master writs do you regularly receive? I've gotten exactly two since the change to jewelry crafting dailies, and only one of which seems remotely worth doing at 606 vouchers, and that's from daily writs on 10 characters for months. I have yet to receive a purple one worth doing, and the only blue ones I complete are the 28 voucher base trait examples (arcane, healthy, robust).I keep running out of zircon, rather than having any problem with chromium. That's not an issue if you only want to gold out drops, but quite a pain for doing the Master Writs.
You can always reach out to me here in a DM. Or in-game on PC, same username. I have accounts on both NA and EU. I have Discord and all that, but not going to put that out for everybody here in the forums
I haven't even really looked at the UESP add-on to see what kind of data was in there (I just pulled it up on ESOUI to check). It's always nice to have more data to look at, so I may give it a look when I have more time.