I may just be creating one more on a pile of posts talking about this, but I would like to see some new life breathed into the New Life festival.
Sure, new motifs are great and all, as are new gizmos and whatchamacallits -- and they take less dev-time to craft than whole new activities. But that doesn't really stop me from hoping to see more fun things to do around the winter holidays.
Snowball fights, for example. The memento is fun, but how about gamifying it further? A special Battlegrounds where we can build snowforts, stockpile snow, and throw snowballs could be fun -- no bloodshed needed! Perhaps, like with Werewolf, the bar could swap to a special skillset specifically designed for snowball battles. Basically, some kinda take on yukigassen.
Some kind of race (mounted or not) could also be fun. Ice physics, if possible, could make things more challenging. Like the above, perhaps lock the player to a special skill bar to keep things on a fairly even footing. (Maybe each race gets a specially-themed snowball/ice-racing ultimate? Special skills to use during the race to boost self/create obstacles for others?)
Combining the two (competition + ice physics), maybe some take on ice hockey could be given an Elder Scrolls kind of spin. What would Nords and Orcs in frozen and cold areas do for competitive sport on the ice?
Ice fishing could be a thing too, since we already have fishing mechanics...
Just some ideas. What other ideas have we got? Maybe we'll see something new to do next year.
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