Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Elsweyr Paintings and Art Supplies Request

I have been wondering, for months now, why we haven't got the Elsweyr paintings as furnishings?

Is there any possibility they could be released as a pack and/or individually?






  • Araneae6537
    Oh yes, I would LOVE these! :love:
  • Tigerseye
    Also, littered around the same area, are lots of art supplies - brushes, a wooden palette, easels, bowls of paint etc.:






    Is there any possibility we could get these added, as well?

    Thanks for your time. :smile:
  • Nila
    Yes! Please <3
    PC EU
  • Tigerseye
    Still wondering if we will ever get these...
  • Cireous
    Finding the Colorworks building in Southern Elsweyr was the single best exploration day I had experienced all year. I was so excited for the paintings. Then I found out they hadn't even dropped them into the chests. I didn't want to believe it. So I waited... and waited... and waited. Yet, nothing was said about them and they were never added.

    What I want to know is... why?

    Were they just forgotten?

    Will they ever be added? :'(

    How is an entire Chapter released without also releasing the Chapter's paintings? We have zero Elsweyr paintings right now.

    :anguished: ---> @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom <--- :anguished:
  • Tigerseye
    Cireous wrote: »
    Finding the Colorworks building in Southern Elsweyr was the single best exploration day I had experienced all year. I was so excited for the paintings. Then I found out they hadn't even dropped them into the chests. I didn't want to believe it. So I waited... and waited... and waited. Yet, nothing was said about them and they were never added.

    What I want to know is... why?

    Were they just forgotten?

    Will they ever be added? :'(

    How is an entire Chapter released without also releasing the Chapter's paintings? We have zero Elsweyr paintings right now.

    :anguished: ---> @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom <--- :anguished:

    I know, that is exactly how I feel, too.

    I wonder if it's because not that many people buy paintings from the Crown Store?

    If so, that will be due to the sheer price of them, not that people don't want them.

    Each painting costs 400 Crowns - that's almost the same as 5 Dibella Bouquets.

    They should be about 100 Crowns each, at most.
  • myskyrim26
    i'd love to buy all these amazing pictures and art supplies. I finally understood what to do with my Psijiik Villa - an art gallery with some studios
  • kind_hero
    I am quite frustrated with how the devs treat the housing community in ESO. They never respond to our wishes, not even hey, we read you. I gave up hoping, and most likely I will not support this game anymore with housing purchases.

    I guess they will release a lot of this stuff when this game will be dying, and people will move to play something else.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • bellatrixed
    I have wanted easels, palettes and painting supplies since the launch of housing. There have been some in since launch, after all, and then Elsweyr added tons more--along with the beautiful paintings. I just don't understand why they're being held back. Please let our characters be painters!
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • Tigerseye
    kind_hero wrote: »
    I am quite frustrated with how the devs treat the housing community in ESO. They never respond to our wishes, not even hey, we read you. I gave up hoping, and most likely I will not support this game anymore with housing purchases.

    I guess they will release a lot of this stuff when this game will be dying, and people will move to play something else.

    To be fair, I think they do read it.

    They gave (sold!) us (beautiful!) flowers in vases, recently and are giving us (via event tickets) the Jublilee Cake furnishings, that a lot have people have wanted for a long time now, for example.

    But, yeah, progress can be slow...
  • Cireous
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    I know, that is exactly how I feel, too.

    I wonder if it's because not that many people buy paintings from the Crown Store?

    If so, that will be due to the sheer price of them, not that people don't want them.

    Each painting costs 400 Crowns - that's almost the same as 5 Dibella Bouquets.

    They should be about 100 Crowns each, at most.
    I honestly wouldn't even care if they just slipped them into the purchase tab in our houses at this point :( It would be kind of a slimy thing to do, but... I just want them... so bad. Maybe they could give us a sweet deal on the purchase price as a sort of 'I'm sorry we forgot these,' gesture.

    Or they could just patch them into the Elsweyr chests. Like, you know, any time now, guys... :neutral:

  • kind_hero
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    kind_hero wrote: »
    I am quite frustrated with how the devs treat the housing community in ESO. They never respond to our wishes, not even hey, we read you. I gave up hoping, and most likely I will not support this game anymore with housing purchases.

    I guess they will release a lot of this stuff when this game will be dying, and people will move to play something else.

    To be fair, I think they do read it.

    They gave (sold!) us (beautiful!) flowers in vases, recently and are giving us (via event tickets) the Jublilee Cake furnishings, that a lot have people have wanted for a long time now, for example.

    But, yeah, progress can be slow...

    Then explain to me the slow pace of these releases. Isn't in their interest for people to spend crowns or work in game to get the objects they desire so much? I mean people are asking for easels and paintings since housing was implemented! I have also asked for portrait paintings, starting with the leaders of the alliances and continuing with the popular characters, like Darien, Raz, the companions, etc. They have a lot to gain from this, but someone in the lead department sees things differently, most likely does not even like housing.

    Don't you see that housing is in neutral gear? They aren't killing it, but the effort put into releasing meaningful stuff is lower than any aspect of the game (only pvp might come close).

    What you are mentioning, vases and cakes, is so little. Where are the much requested book cases, filled planters, stair cases, building blocks, armor/weapon racks, sheds, vineyards, apple trees, painting stuff, or features like teleports and such?

    I hope they read all this.. I really do, but this is like praying in church.. you hope God listens :smile:
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Nerouyn
    Cireous wrote: »
    How is an entire Chapter released without also releasing the Chapter's paintings? We have zero Elsweyr paintings right now.

    They think they're experimenting on us to find the sweeeeeeeeeeeeet spot where we lose our minds and throw ALL of our money at them.

    But I think they really just groping around blindly in the dark.

    Morrowind had 1 crown store only home - the "Telvanni tower" manor - which is easily the ugliest of the Vvardenfell houses and also the only one not true to the single player game. But gorgeous Telvanni furnishings and paintings available as very rare drops.

    Seriously. Something as ugly as that tower should never have made it off the drawing board.

    Since they went with a totally different approach with Summerset we can safely assume that didn't make them mountains of money.

    Summerset gave away 1 manor - the psijic villa - as an incentive to BUY NOW during the giveaway event - and had 1 crown store only parked boat plus shipwreck. With the crazy Alinor style being inferior to the base game Auridon one. Again paintings available as very rare drops.

    Since they went with a totally different approach with Elsweyr we can safely assume that didn't make them mountains of money.

    Elsweyr gave away 1 manor with the game, but in little chunks with players required to play through other DLC (including dungeons) to unlock it all. And sold three more crown store only manors and a crown store only smaller home.

    Personally I think they did a much better job with Elsweyr's architecture and furnishings - they're fabulous - than the previous two big DLCs and I'm looking forward to decorating the lunar champion place when I get to it. But I suspect that releasing it piecemeal and trying to use it to force people into their unpopular dungeon content was not so well received.

    So they're probably looking at low sales figures and trying figure out what to do with Elsweyr paintings. Drop them in the game as rare loot and hope that creates demand for the crown store only Elsweyr homes. Or drop the paintings in the crown store at a price to squeeze as much money as possible out of the people who've already spent a fortune buying the homes.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    To be fair, I think they do read it.


    From the inside of Moonsugar Meadow it looks like it suffers from that common problem of immersion breaking with its see-through wrought iron gate. Look in from the outside and not see what you've built. Yay!

    But the other side of that gate isn't the other side of that gate. It connects to a lower gate down the bottom of the hill. Looking in you can't actually see the meadow so can freely build without having to worry about appearance from the exterior, because there is none.

    Which is probably the result of them reading lots of complaints on this score about other homes.
  • Sporvan
    These paintings would be ideal for strongboxes and chests across Northern and Southern Elsweyr to keep players motivated to return!
  • Tigerseye
    kind_hero wrote: »

    Then explain to me the slow pace of these releases. Isn't in their interest for people to spend crowns or work in game to get the objects they desire so much? I mean people are asking for easels and paintings since housing was implemented! I have also asked for portrait paintings, starting with the leaders of the alliances and continuing with the popular characters, like Darien, Raz, the companions, etc. They have a lot to gain from this, but someone in the lead department sees things differently, most likely does not even like housing.

    I know.

    I'm not disagreeing - as I say, progress is, very definitely, slow.

    Can't really explain it, other than maybe they don't have that many people on the housing team?

    I feel like games tend to put maximum resources and creative energy into things that are already doing well, without realising that other things would do far better, if they put more resources and creative energy into them, too.

    They want proof, in advance, that something will definitely be popular, as opposed to taking a slight risk.

    Also, if something is only moderately popular, they tend to assume that is its maximum level of popularity.

    As opposed to analysing whether they are really, currently, making the most of it and if not, whether that could be the reason it's only moderately popular.

    For example, if your houses and/or furnishings aren't as beautiful, interesting and/or functional as they could be, of course housing will be less popular than it would, otherwise, be.

    Don't you see that housing is in neutral gear?

    Yes, of course I do - that is why I'm here, asking for various things (this isn't my only thread!).

    What you are mentioning, vases and cakes, is so little.

    I know and even the cakes aren't due until April...

    Still looking forward to them, though.

    Vases and cakes may not sound like a lot, but things like that (and paintings) can really add interest to an, otherwise, fairly lifeless interior.

    We just need more of these type of things and (ideally) at a slightly faster pace...

    Where are the much requested book cases, filled planters, stair cases, building blocks, armor/weapon racks, sheds, vineyards, apple trees, painting stuff, or features like teleports and such?

    I hope they read all this.. I really do, but this is like praying in church.. you hope God listens :smile:

    Yes, well all we can do is keep asking. :smiley:

    Edited by Tigerseye on February 26, 2020 5:31AM
  • Mysanne
    I'm ready to buy the paint furniture! But in the meantime, I did a painter's house with what was available in the game.

    If the furniture we want finally becomes available, I will only have to exchange the old furniture for the new one and Voilà!

    This is in the Black Vine Villa. There is the place to prepare the pigments, the area for additives (binders, solvents, oil, various medium, siccatives, etc.), a table for drawings and sketches...

  • Tigerseye
    That looks great, Mysanne. :smile:

    I love all the details.
  • Tigerseye
    These are now available from chests, apparently:



    Was just riding past some dragons and it occurred to me that it would be nice if they were also available, as rare drops, from them.

    Might encourage a few more people to do the N. Elsweyr ones.
  • moonsister
    @Tigerseye I have seen several of the Elsweyr paintings in a Greymoor PTS preview on youtube! i was especially thrilled about the one with the bird. So they will be available from the store at least.

    Would be superb if they dropped as well but I am not counting on it.
  • kind_hero
    @Mysanne I am not sure if you saw my custome easel post. I hope it will be of use in your amazing house.

    It is made of Hlaalu hangers



    I think you will need a larger house to store the upcoming paintings! :)
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Mysanne
    @kind_hero No, I had not seen your post: it is a brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing it! <3:)
  • Tigerseye
    moonsister wrote: »
    @Tigerseye I have seen several of the Elsweyr paintings in a Greymoor PTS preview on youtube! i was especially thrilled about the one with the bird. So they will be available from the store at least.

    Would be superb if they dropped as well but I am not counting on it.

    Apparently the patch notes say they will drop from chests, too. :smile:

    Probably pretty rare, but still.
  • bluebird
    These are the ones they added to the PTS Crown Store - they might be the same ones you can get from Chests too, or there might be more Chest-exlcusive ones out there, or whatever, all of this is unconfirmed, subject to change, PTS disclaimer etc. etc. But these look great, so woohoo! Gorgeous galleries in Greymoor! :smiley:
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