Dye Bug For Specific Items

I noticed this bug first with the Glenmoril Wyrd Shield, starting to notice it with other items now. When dying specific items, they flash the color you're dying them, but the item ends up with a weird, distorted almost overlay effect that is typically black and/or gold. Take a look below. No matter what I dye these items, they basically stay the same with subtle changes in hue or tone. I'm about 99.9% sure this isn't intended lol. Had this issue across multiple characters as well. See screenshots below for empty dye slots and filled dye slots.


  • Skjaldbjorn
    UPDATE: It seems this visual bug is exclusively attached to Alkosh weapons as far as I can tell. Not entirely sure why, but the visual bug on an item disappears if a non-Alkosh item is equipped with no other changes.

    UPDATE: The visual bug is exclusively to the wearer. Friends see the item as normal. To make this even stranger, the visual bug vanishes when an effect such as Minor Protection is applied to me.

    Edited by Skjaldbjorn on December 26, 2019 3:29AM
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