Hello all,
First time on the forums.
I'm trying to figure out what the right fit is for me in this game and was hoping to get some advice from you all.
This is my first major MMO I've been wanting to try; in single-player games I tend to go for a battlemage or spellsword type character. I love magic and its effects but dislike always having to be ranged. From what I could gather battlemage/spellsword don't quite exist since hybrid doesn't seem to fare well?
I will say I like the idea of having a pet/companion to help take away aggro as I am having trouble in dungeons/tombs you're supposed to be able to solo and such. I have a Templar and Sorc both around level 15 at the moment but I'm having trouble deciding. I'm curious about mag warden but wasn't sure how it does now.
I mainly aim to do PVE content (I have a lot to explore plus expansions/DLC) and will dabble in some PVP but I'm not worried about leaderboards.
Of the three, what do you think I would enjoy most in lieu of a battlemage/spellsword? Also considered Nightblade since I enjoy stealth but saw that they're hard to rotate/play?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!