This is my 600th thread btw 
Got a new PC, reinstalled Skyrim with mah mods and put those new components to use. Reminded again the massive differences in the two different engines these games use, and why I believe even though ESO is much better gameplay wise, TES:V still has immensely better visuals. Also if you want the pics bigger you're gonna have to open in a new tab, cause of the forum being weird.

This is a RARE exception in ESO. This is a patch of forest in Summerset between Alinor and Cey Tarn Keep. ZOS has proven with areas like this that they can create lush, beautiful, thick vegetation and flora. However for some reason, most players' systems cry when we're in these areas. I have no idea why exactly, whether it's a game Engine issue or it's just too pretty to handle.

Another ESO example, from the entrance to Falkreath Hold Dungeon. Beautiful, lush, dense woodland scenery that, supposedly, was only possible since it's a small, narrow instance separate from the main overworld map.
And then TES:V

Woods outside Riverwood.

The lake to it's West.

An area Northwest of Falkreath.
I know that trying to render and keep track of dozens if not hundreds of other player characters in the same instance can hamper performance, but those images are indicative of THE ENTIRE map of TES:V. It's that quality, that detailed across most the entire world space of the game, and my new PC, which is still considered mid range compared to the rigs I'm sure a lot of you use to run ESO, can still maintain a stable 60fps. I have Vsync on so I don't know my max frames I get.
The world map of TES:V is huge compared to ESO, and I don't mean actual physical space. It's achieved the illusion of a vast wilderness you can get lost in. Round a corner or go past some trees and you suddenly don't know where you are anymore. The distances look immense and it gives you the sense that something in the horizon would take quite a while to reach. If ESO 2 actually is a thing in ZOS' future MMO plans, I really, really hope that a new Engine that accomplishes this visually is on their to do list....or maybe deep down I'm just another "Why isn't this Skyrim: Online?" person.