Hello everybody.
Today I would like to bring an issue that will most likely be thrown out of window by the community being a non-important issue, but hey, what's important nowadays? Important issues like server performance are on dead spot for years anyways.
I feel like Target Iron Attronach is outdated and missing important group buffs/debuffs that are commonly present in a trial.
1. Minor Courage. Target Attro does give Hircine buff which is very rare, but does not give Minor Courage which is always present even in PuG trials?
2. Major Vulnerability. Target Attro gains off-balance for 7 seconds every 20 seconds. It should periodicaly gain Major Vulnerability for 8 seconds every 20 seconds as well. Thanks to missing Major Vulnerability debuff on Target Attro, necro parses look much better than they actualy are in comparison with other classes.