The Battle Spirit status is suppose to be the way to separate PvP and PvE by curving the dps and tankiness of everyone, but for years, ZOS have seem to forget that this status even exist.
IMO, ZOS should utilize this status as a PvP balance tool, instead of, you know, tweaking the meta every single patch like this year. There are 2 major upside with using this:
1. It does not affect PvE whatsoever.
2. It curves the power of every single classes, weapons, armors and playstyle at once. This would make the Battle Spirit the ultimate tool to shape the meta. For example, if the current meta is the tank meta, then maybe eliminate the 50% damage penalty. If the damage is way too high and become meta, then maybe add 5k extra health to everyone.
3. It's much easier to keep track, instead of tweaking every single digit of every single skills, gear sets, CPs, etc.
The only downside that I can potential see is the technical side. I'm not working for ZOS, and especially not in tech apartment, so I have no idea how complicate it is to tweak the Battle Spirit, or is it even possible to tweak in the first place.
But if the Battle Spirit tweak is possible, then I believe it is a much better way to approach PvP balance than what ZOS are currently doing (no offense though).