Let me just start by saying that this is strictly my opinion as an endgame PvE'r and that I know some of what I say will not be of popular opinion, so don't flame me. I also will not claim to the best dps in the world, but I am fairly good at all classes and at least act like I know what I am talking about
First, I want to address what I thought about Update 23. Honestly, I think it was hands down one of the best combat patches that we have had to date. I know this isn't a popular opinion because it radically changed the meta to DoTs. However, the change didn't mean that old builds suddenly became bad, they just were not as good as the meta DoT rotations. These rotations were probably the most dynamic, engaging and fun rotations I've ever had the pleasure of playing. I actually enjoyed these rotations, I wanted to fight enemies just so I could keep improving. These rotations raised the skill cap that players could reach, thereby raising the damage of the players. This was the patch I felt like I could bring any class I wanted into a trial and still pull reasonable damage. Was it "BiS" damage, no, but I was still parsing 80K+ (trial atro) on every class I played as (which is basically every class but magcro). The Update 23 patch inspired me to go for off-meta builds because it is one of the first times that I felt that I wouldn't be punished too much. Now this being said, it wasn't perfect. I understand the problem that this patch brought to PvP, with over-tuned DoTs and people complaining that the "Damage was too high." I won't go into full detail, but I think that there were better ways to handle this and ZoS went about it the wrong way with a straight damage nerf. As for the damage being too high, we are talking about maybe a couple hundred people in the world being able to get the damage numbers people complained about, it may be more, but it isn't like your everyday casual was getting 90k+.
Now, to my thoughts about Update 24. I am going to talk about my experiences with the classes I've been playing and what I think about them (it has become a limited number since I haven't been playing all my characters lately).
Stamina Sorceror - Honestly, I made this class after Summerset to prove to my guild members that Two-Handed weapons were viable. Both them and I never once thought that Two-Handers would actually become a leading dps spot and I am actually sad that it came true. As for what happened in Update 24, Bound Armaments. This single ability saved this class and I hate it. Don't get me wrong, it does good damage, it looks nice and it makes the stamsorc wanting identity somewhat happy. To me, it feels like a ripped off of version of Assassin's Scourge. Nightblades have always been the class that had the fastest and hardest rotations because of the Light Attack/Assissin's Scourge synergy and I hate to see it go to another class like this. Now, this is strictly a personal opinion and I will acknowledge the good that this ability has done to a once struggling class. The Clannfear scalling with stamina was a nice touch, but do you know why people slot it? Because there is literally no other ability worth casting. It isn't because the pet does amazing damage or anything, no it so that you don't have to press another ability and take away from you spammable, Wrecking Blow. The rotations for this class have become so static and boring, that I can't really stand playing this class much anymore becuase it makes me fall asleep. Honestly, I think I could fall asleep and still be able light attack weave with Wrecking Blow, cause that is basically all you need and all that is good anymore.
Stamina Necromancer - My only real complaint with that class is that the abilities don't work half the time still. Blastbones still sits there and "Ponders its life choices" (it was a good joke at the time Gina, but that patch didn't actually fix the problem) and siphon doesn't always recognize the bodies. The rotation is "Meh", at best. Mainly because you sit there an wonder if your blast bones is actually going to off. Even if it does, the rotation is still very static, a shadow of the former dynamic rotation it once was. I am torn between the Colossus change, I like that it encourages people not to have eight stamina necromances for trials, but I don't think it fixed the core of the problem.
Stamina Wardens - I have two builds, DW/Bow and Bow/Bow. Starting with the DW/Bow, it got trapped into the same corner as Stamina Sorceror did. There is a very minimal amount of skills actaully worth casting and that don't take away from your damage too much. I think Subterranean Assault keeps the rotation itself somewhat interesting, but the rotation now hinges around that ability and making sure you're casting it enough without interrupting it. In terms of damage, this build suffers the same nerf as all the other classes and probably came out ahead when compared to the other classes, mainly because a lot of the damage was from Subterranean Assault. The Bow/Bow build came out better this patch. The additional effects of Cutting Dive, as well as the addition of Growing Swarm helped keep this class alive. I think this is the only build I have that actually has a more fun and engaging rotation, than what it had in Update 23.
Magicka Dragonknights - I loved this class in Update 23. I didn't play a meta rotation, I made my own rotation for it that worked. The only thing that really happened in Update 24 is that I can't sustain anything anymore. I can't get through 6 mil dummies without having to heavy attack a couple times. The reason for this was the magicka regeneration loss from the Degeneration (maybe I have the morph wrong, but one of the former entropy morphs) and the general increase to DoT costs. It is a shame to see a class and rotation I built become unsustainable. Overall the damage Magicka Dragonknights puts out is fine and the rotation is still somewhat enjoyable, but it is so hard to freaking sustain anymore that I just can't convince myself to play it.
Magicka Sorceror - This class suffers from the same main problems as Magicka Dragonknights. It has become hard to sustain, but most importantly, one of the staple abilities that all Magicka Sorcerors used to use is now useless, Liquid Lightning. I don't think there has ever been a patch that I didn't have liquid lightning on my Magicka Sorceror. However, now it costs way too much and just doesn't do enough damage. You cannot sustain a rotation with liquid lightning one your bar at all. Which is a shame, because it gets rid of one of the most common synergy abilities that people were used to seeing all the time in trials. This class also fell into the "boring" static rotation problem that a lot of other classes did too. Now you only cast Elemental Wall on your backbar and then go back to spamming Elemental Weapon and waiting for Crystal Fragments to proc. If you are a pet sorc, just add the pet cast to the backbar.
I would add more, but it is kind of long already and I have work. I might come back and edit the last three classes I can comfortably talk about: Magplars, Magblades, and Stamblades.
I just wanted to give my opinons of what I thought happened to the classes I play this last patch. To summarize, a lot of classes fell into the boring static rotations again and there doesn't feel like there are enough abilites that I can justify casting when compared to spammables or for sustain issues. Most magicka characters can't sustain rotations during parses, ect, ect... Only one class came out better, in terms of overall feel of the class and not damage. If I had to summarize what combat has become compared to last patch, it would be: Boring. It feels like I am just sitting there like a robot, hitting the same four or five abilities in the same order.
Edited by ShadowKyuubi on December 11, 2019 9:51AM