ZOS would, if the game performance hadn't driven away so many ESO+ subscribers. It's probably a spiral - poor performance leads to less revenue, and less revenue means less to spend on fixes.Do you have 10-15 grand to pay each one monthly?
I actually bluescreened in the character select screen yesterday, I didn't even know that was possible.
Good programmers are few and far between, and you're probably looking at $300,000 a year for someone who knows what they're doing. So that's about 3000 eso+ subscriptions to hire someone who may make things worse, cause you don't know what you're getting most of the time.Please, you need more people to work and fix this. Two maintenances later, I bluescreened four times yesterday. Once while standing in my house, three times in vSS.
I play on PC and I don't have any client related performance issues; all my recent problems were entirely server related (congestion). Maybe they simply put too much detail (textures, polygons) in game and older PCs as well as consoles can't handle them and crash as a result. I don't know the computing power equivalent of those as I never had a console, and I haven't been interested in getting one but probably they're like a mid range PC from 2010 if I look at the price. The game is poorly optimized in that regard in general. There are trials where even my $1500 desktop computer, bought this year, can barely get 30-40 fps. My old one, which was closer to a console, was stuck at single digit FPS in the same trial before. Maybe it's simply engine limitations, as it looks pretty archaic and they can't do much about it.
If the issue is an under-performing server infrastructure, which ZOS as acknowledged is a problem, then a 1000 new developers are not going to fix anything. There's a big difference between people who develop software and those who design, maintain, and administer complex server structures.
If the issue is an under-performing server infrastructure, which ZOS as acknowledged is a problem, then a 1000 new developers are not going to fix anything. There's a big difference between people who develop software and those who design, maintain, and administer complex server structures.
synesthesia wrote: »Good programmers are few and far between, and you're probably looking at $300,000 a year for someone who knows what they're doing. So that's about 3000 eso+ subscriptions to hire someone who may make things worse, cause you don't know what you're getting most of the time.
And wages might be even higher because companies like Google and Microsoft like to hire the best before they become competition.
KillsAllElves wrote: »
I know 13 game programmers on a personal level. 2 of them work for microsoft and siemens, Not a single one of them makes over 75k excluding bonus/incentives. If a programmer is making over 100k or the "300k theory" that person is doing more than programming.
There are many good programmers in the video game industry. Wether they be a full time employee or a sub contracter. The problem is not a lack of "good programmers", its whats inside the game that is the root of the problems we experience. I.E. Champion point system, inactive pllayers that are causing data storage issues, etc etc...
Server upgrade would help tremendously.
hold up.
as in... Windows' BSOD?
what is this blue screen people talking about here?
nafensoriel wrote: »
Well, then you know nothing random forum poster!
Since it has been publically stated all the server issues experienced by EUPC are SOFTWARE based and the bluescreen issue was an unexpected memory leak.
No amount of hardware improvements will fix a software flaw.
Also, there is a difference in what you code. Game developers tend to make a premium bonus wise due to the crunch. It depends on what state/country you are in as well. The actual problem with any 5-year-old piece of constantly updated piece of software is spaghetti and the fact that there will be entire areas of the software that no one remotely remembers let alone understands that somehow WILL impact all your new additions. A "Good" programer is often the guy who can force two entirely different elements to work together with duct tape and prayers. "Bad" programmers are ones that can only scrap and restart every single project.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
KillsAllElves wrote: »
Hahahahaha, another random forum poster with a preconceived notion. Saying zos needs better programmers is like the - E$OH needs a new engine argument. This is willfull ignorance.
Your reading comprehension seems to be lacking, nowhere in my response did i say there are no software issues. Infact i did say "Server upgrade would help tremendously"... This has a direct correlation with how a server behaves on the formatted platform it is on- software/server side software.
Zos admitted other problems you seem to be deliberately forgetting.
nafensoriel wrote: »
Did I say ZOS needs better programmers? /checking Nope.
Actually I usually champion them as one of the better teams out there for design. Sure they have spaghetti to work with now but they do a pretty decent job with that spaghetti.
For the sake of politeness, I will assume you are not one of the many random people who get all their technical knowledge from youtube and assume your statements at face value. When the average forum user says "server upgrades" the only thing they have the technical passing understanding about is hardware.
Generally, since the software has already been changed(activity finder) upgrades are no longer required as it has been upgraded. Cramming your new code into old spaghetti and finding all the loose noodles is more bug correction.
ZOS has admitted and not admitted many things in the long road from alpha. In this case, though it's pretty safe to assume they are just having fun rewriting old crap and we are all along for the ride.