RefLiberty wrote: »What is so unusual for NPC's to share same voice overs. If you looked at the voice cast list, you will see that some actors voiced several different characters, all the same applies vice versa. Devs copied the Stuga voice over to some less important side quest NPC as cost effective solution.
CassandraGemini wrote: »
It must've been the other way around, though, since that quest is part of a vanilla zone questline in DC. Don't quite remember which zone, but it's definitely part of the main game, while Stuga belongs to the Orsinium DLC.
Also, it is one thing to use a voice actor for more than one character, I mean, given the sheer amount of different characters that we come across in this game, anything else would have been difficult. But to just copy and paste a line that already existed is... slightly weird.
Honestly, I can never unhear this. She annoyed the hell out of me, but she also always made me feel special - like I was the sole purpose of her existence, to a point where she had to stalk me across town just to tell me how long she's been looking for me. Now that I now that these same exact words have been said to somebody else before... I'll never believe her again.
ShawnLaRock wrote: »I love that even after all this time Stuga continues to haunt us all in clandestine ways!
Edit: grammar
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Imagine if Stuga npc would met another Stuga npc... The dialogue would be probably something like this:
There's more than one actor with multiple voice parts in ESO.
That isn't uncommon in the province of Video Games in Voice-Acting Land. Lots of voice actors do multiple voices in a single game.
Nothing, that's what.RefLiberty wrote: »What is so unusual for NPC's to share same voice overs...
CassandraGemini wrote: »I'm pretty sure that Shalidor's voice actor was in Skyrim already. Wasn't he the one who voiced Vilkas from the Companions?
Hellsbunnies wrote: »
Apparently he did the voices of Acolyte Jenssen, Alvor, Arnskar Ember-Master, Balgruuf the Greater, Barknar, Beirand, Belrand, Bersi Honey-Hand, Bolund, Brunwulf Free-Winter, Calder, Falk Firebeard, Filnjar, Fultheim the Fearless, Golldir, Gorm, Hadring, Hafnar Ice-Fist, Heimskr, Hjorunn, Hod, Hunroor, Jon Battle-Born, Jorn, Kjar, Kjeld, Korir, Kraldar, Kust, Kyr, Lodvar, Lortheim, Lucky Lorenz, Odar, Oengul War-Anvil, Ogmund, Pactur, Phantom, Ralis Sedarys, Ralof, Rissing, Roggi Knot-Beard, Roggvir, Skaggi Scar-Face, Skulvar Sable-Hilt, Sond, Svaknir, Talsgar the Wanderer, Thalmor Prisoner, Thjollod, Thongvor Silver-Blood, Thonnir, Thorek, Thorgar, Torkild the Fearsome, Ulfgar the Unending, Vekel the Man, Viding, Vilkas, Vilod, Vipir the Fleet, Vulwulf Snow-Shod, Wilhelm.