When it comes to ALMSIVI specifically, it might help that Vivec is one of them, because out of the three he is one (iIrc the only one of the Tribunal) that achieved CHIM, which actually made him stronger than any Divine, possibly stronger than most Daedra (certainly stronger than Azura, Mephala, and Boethia, who were considered the Good Daedra even while ALMSIVI were in power because they recognised the power of the Tribunal, and were subservient to it).
So in this case, they wouldn't need to have the Anticipations on their side, Vivec himself could do what Azura did for Nerevar.
But without Vivec's assistance, if someone wanted to mantle Almalexia for example, they might be faced with a challenge. Although beeing empowered via the Heart of Lorkhan, after one year away from it her power would already diminish; and with the heart destroyed, her divinity went away as well, which set her right back to whatever subgradient of creation beneath the divines she started out as being - i.e. she was just a mortal. And I'm not sure you can mantle mere mortals, when you mantle someone, the idea is you aim way above yourself.
VaranisArano wrote: »The power of the Tribunal came from using the tools of Kagrenac on the heart of Lorkhan and diminished slowly once they were cut off from that source of power. Like Nerevar and Dagoth Ur, they don't actually have extraordinary power of their own. Extremely talented individuals, yes, but not the gods they tried to become.
Unlike Nerevar, they also don't have a friendly daedric prince in their corner guiding a series of Incarnates in a millenia-long attempt to recreate the alliance-building feat of Resdayn in order to become Nerevar's Incarnate Nerevarine. (The Nerevarine isn't something you are, its something you become, and if you fail, you were never Nerevarine just a failed Incarnate.) They sorta, uh, PO'd their friendly neighborhood daedric princes into pulling the whole Nerevarine thing in revenge, in fact.
So my suspicion is that it would take help from Azura, Mephala, and/or Boethiah to get any Incarnate of Almalexia, Vivec, or Sotha Sil going...and we've yet to see any evidence why the Reclamations would be the least bit interested in doing so after Azura spent centuries organizing her coup which resulted in the destruction of the Tribunal's reputation, power, and ultimately lands the responsibility for much of Red Year squarely at their feet.
ArgonianAssassin wrote: »
Good point about Vivec, but I wonder, the Tribunal's power through the heart *does* put them well beyond any other mortal Dunmer, doesn't it? even the most powerful mages, like Neloth, or DIvayth Fyr, aren't equal to the power of ALMSIVI, so by attempting to mantle one of them, you would be aiming for something well beyond yourself, yea? And even so, even if Almalexia herself is a mere mortal, what about what she represents with her position within ALMSIVI? Would it be enough for someone to walk like the collective Dunmeri idea of her & embody the ideas & concepts she represents? If they could, would the result be Almalexia reborn, or would the mantler be something new, a 'different' or idealized form of what people *thought* Almalexia was?
ArgonianAssassin wrote: »Or would this be the same as attempting to mantle the Anticipations? If they could be mantled, what would it mean to walk like them, would they have to murder the Nerevarine / a Nerevar equivalent? Would the result be a new, single deity named ALMSIVI, or would all 3 of the Tribunal need to be mantled & recreated individually? Alternatively, could ALMSIVI return through incarnates, similar to the Nerevarine?
When it comes to ALMSIVI specifically, it might help that Vivec is one of them, because out of the three he is one (iIrc the only one of the Tribunal) that achieved CHIM, which actually made him stronger than any Divine, possibly stronger than most Daedra (certainly stronger than Azura, Mephala, and Boethia, who were considered the Good Daedra even while ALMSIVI were in power because they recognised the power of the Tribunal, and were subservient to it).
So in this case, they wouldn't need to have the Anticipations on their side, Vivec himself could do what Azura did for Nerevar.
But without Vivec's assistance, if someone wanted to mantle Almalexia for example, they might be faced with a challenge. Although beeing empowered via the Heart of Lorkhan, after one year away from it her power would already diminish; and with the heart destroyed, her divinity went away as well, which set her right back to whatever subgradient of creation beneath the divines she started out as being - i.e. she was just a mortal. And I'm not sure you can mantle mere mortals, when you mantle someone, the idea is you aim way above yourself.
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »
"Sotha Sil made a chair for himself and sat. The Scribe turned to his friend, his mentor, his child shared with many fathers. "Did you come to say goodbye, Seht?"
"In a way," Seht replied, and there was no sadness in his voice. "Perhaps another form will appear that looks much like me and plays the role he is needed to play in yet another tale. I will be gone by then."
- "Sotha Sil and the Scribe" by Andrunal, Seer of Verse.
PrayingSeraph wrote: »
Can someone point to where in canon lore that mentions Vivec achieved CHIM? I know he does in MK's post-Bethesda fan fics, but I can't recall seeing that in actual canon, though I could be wrong.