Where are the daily job brokers for Southern Elsweyr?? That is, if there are any. ..... I want to kill the two World Bosses there but cannot find either a quest giver or a group that has a quest to share.
Perhaps this situation is like Vvardenfell (Morrowind), where the players just show up at the Boss until enough of them congregate to start a fight. ..... On the whole, this DLC leaves a lot to be desired. The Elsweyr chapter should have been released as one zone.
Creating a DLC for Pellitine looks like corporate greed at its worst. There is not even a common border or any physical connection between the "two parts" of Elsweyr. Elsweyr was promoted by ZOS as if the chapter would be one zone, or perhaps two adjacent zones in the same package. Instead they have provided one zone with a detached fragment. Sheesh!!
--- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1
nil carborundum illegitimi