validifyedneb18_ESO wrote: »have fun being kicked from dungeon groups while you're still learning the ropes
"fake tank" or some ***.
Currently nightblade nords are meta, but all classes can tank. Chose a class you feel you will have more fun with, the almost 4k resists from nord are really strong, so i would recommend still chosing nord, but other than that go wild.
Sorc tanking is also quite easy, IF you have the Swarm Mother set.
Then you just ranged taunt the adds, and the problem (mostly) takes care of itself.
Without the Swarm Mother set, you're kinda screwed, since Sorc has no class pull (chains) ability. You're left with the Fighters Guild pull which costs stamina. Meh.
Nord is probably the best race for tanking, makes it easy to reach the hard cap for resistances (33k) due to the racial bonus.
On PC you can use Xynode's "all about mechanics" addon to display the dungeon guides in-game without needing to alt-tab out of the game.
BejaProphet wrote: »Be careful when being advised for “meta.” When people are talking about meta, they are usually talking about 12 man trials. And when talking about 12 man trials, META is about the total buff composition for 12 man groups, not primarily about which class tanks better.
This is why Nightblade was recommended to you earlier. While they have certainly been buffed, they are not in their moment of glory due to actually being good at tanking. They are there because of other group dynamics. Namely the rise of the stamina necromancer putting stamina night blade DPS to shame. Result? Trials without Stan night blade DD’s. But the trial still wants the group buffs the class brings, so they stick one in a tank slot.
My point: people will tell you the “best tank” based on fluid buff drama that may change next patch as the fortunes of the DPS classes rise and fall.. Filter what you hear.
All the races mentioned and that you are consider will do great. I’m a Nord fan.
thanks for the help all of you I decided on a Nord DK and what is a good early Hotbar set up for tanking?