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Ultimate cast times once again.

Hi there. According to comments and polls on this forum, it seems that vast majority of players doesn't like cast times on ultimates. After some time being on live, I'd like you to answer few questions:

1. What are your thoughts on such solution? Do you use one or more of those ultimates?
2. Is this "soultion" does its job? Is it easier for you to counter those ultimates?
3. Do you have any ideas on how this could be done in alternative way?

Let me start:
1. It feels realy bad and very often leads to situations where I try to cast ultimate 3 or 4 times in high latency situations missing my windows to finish of my opponent.
2. Actually when everything runs as it should It doesn't work for me, I get hit by those ults as often as I was. When the performance goes bad, I get hit less often but its not because of my reaction, but just because launching such ultimate having high ping is extremly difficult.
3. Yes. Instead of cast time, make them instant but with according delay. I wouldn't slow us down, and still would allow for some reaction on the defenders side.
Say no to Toxic Casuals!
I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

"Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Artorias24
    Their only statement so far:

    Adding cast times to Ultimates appears to be a change most people here have reacted negatively to. Why are these cast times being added? What issue is the team attempting to solve with this change?
    Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful.

    To make it simple: We dont care about player feedback, we make our own game.
  • Zer0oo
    This was really a very bad change and totally random what ultimates did get gimped and which ones stayed without casttime. The cast time really feels extreme weird and does not really fit into the eso combat.
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • caperb
    I like being able to block-cancel my dawnbreaker when I accidentally misclick it in the middle of nowhere^^

    On a more serious note, cast times on ultimate should go. In PC EU it is almost impossible to cast these ults during primetime. It also happens often that I try to cast one of these ults and end up spamming the button multiple times, but I actually should have cast a defensive skill too during this period.

    Also, give NB's their playstyle back.
  • brandonv516
    Soul Tether/Soul Siphon are supposed to be uninterruptible - well I'm getting interrupted/stunned/killed daily before I can get these off. And I watch the animation start on my screen.

    Of course it's likely lag but that's why this system is terrible. To salvage what's left of NB, revert these ridiculous cast times.
  • Sanguinor2
    While I dont Play nightblade often, they have my deepest sympathies for being the cast time ult Guinea pigs. I definitely would agree to remove them on all ults but its especially gross on the healing Morph of tether since its supposed to be an emergency heal ult, it having a cast time is even worse than db or incap having a cast time.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • UrbanMonk
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    Their only statement so far:

    Adding cast times to Ultimates appears to be a change most people here have reacted negatively to. Why are these cast times being added? What issue is the team attempting to solve with this change?
    Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful.

    To make it simple: We dont care about player feedback, we make our own game.

    To me the Statement seems like, some dev accidentally logged into Live Server and got ****ed up bad and by the time he realized, it's not the usual Bots he is playing against, was too l8 and hence came the Idea of Ultimate Cast Times.
    Cant remember for all my years here with ESO if anyone ever in their right mind even suggested that.

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Artorias24
    This change feels completly out of touch with what the community wants and how the game feels.

    Also we cant cast those ults while blocking wich is crucial in some Situations and even more frequently when Nightblades defensive ult has a cast time..... Omg
  • UrbanMonk
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    This change feels completly out of touch with what the community wants and how the game feels.

    Also we cant cast those ults while blocking wich is crucial in some Situations and even more frequently when Nightblades defensive ult has a cast time..... Omg

    So many times I've died at low health, holding block and trying to use soul shred. I've completely stopped playing magblade.

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • ketsparrowhawk
    Mayrael wrote: »

    1. What are your thoughts on such solution? Do you use one or more of those ultimates?
    2. Is this "soultion" does its job? Is it easier for you to counter those ultimates?
    3. Do you have any ideas on how this could be done in alternative way?

    1. Dawnbreaker and Incap are too easy to counter now.. incap especially with it's obvious audio que. Dunno about Rend.. never used it. Nobody does.. which makes the change especially odd for this ult. Standardization bad. However, I think Onslaught is just fine with the cast time. The animation is not obvious at all and it's an extremely powerful ult.
    2. Yes.. it is much easier to counter dawnbreaker and incap especially. I mostly play highly-mobile builds so I rarely stand still long enough for these to land. Even if I do, DB's animation and incap's audio que give me a good chance to evade.
    3. Even though I don't like how this change makes my own gameplay feel, I do understand the reasoning behind it and I still enjoy the combat just fine. I think they need to experiment with adjusting the cast time lengths and maybe speeding up the animations a bit. Maybe also play around with the timing of audio ques so as to require faster reaction time to evade/block.

    Aside from cast times, please consider adding the stun back to incap instead of silence. Especially with the cast time now, landing this ult needs to be more rewarding. Stunning someone is way more satisfying (and useful) than silencing them. A 120 ult that stuns a single target is not OP (look at DB). Incap is a sad shadow of its former self now. I'm by no means a NB main btw.
  • UrbanMonk
    Amd it's not just the Ultimates with Cast time but the ones without also get so delayed because of lag, that its unbearable. For example, resto staff ulti, cast time is hidden behind animation and lag makes it even worse. You have to click it 10 times before it fires up and by that time you are already dead.

    Where is the Counterplay to that?
    Edited by UrbanMonk on November 28, 2019 4:52PM

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Gilvoth
    there is a very small minority on this forum that are making these threads, the rest of the eso community is enjoying the changes to ultimates.
    please stop making these threads, its getting annoying and its spam is against the forum rules.
    in addition,
    Ultimates were overperforming, it is good where its at and it makes sence what they did.
    i hope it stays this way.
    and thier quote:
    "Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful."
    makes it realistic and fair gameplay.

  • Gilvoth
    they are Right!
    the cast times are good, let it go and stop spamming these threads.
  • sproattt
    ^ The only players enjoying PvP ults right now are the Magplars and the DKs. Any Sorc knows the streak glitch ruins the class/Meteor only works effectively when streak works and the cast times killed Nbs offensive and defensive Ult.

    Magplars AoE cheap costing instant cast proccing burning light every 0.5s is in a good place.

    Or DKs cheap instant casting group AoE high tooltip skill which gives a shield, STUN and resources upon use.

    "Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once" If all classes don't receive the same treatment across the board then you're clearly favouring classes over others.
    Stamblade Main.
  • StrandedMonkey
    Whoever thought it was a good idea to make Onslaught cost 150 ult is nuts man.
  • brandonv516
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    there is a very small minority on this forum that are making these threads, the rest of the eso community is enjoying the changes to ultimates.
    please stop making these threads, its getting annoying and its spam is against the forum rules.
    in addition,
    Ultimates were overperforming, it is good where its at and it makes sence what they did.
    i hope it stays this way.
    and thier quote:
    "Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful."
    makes it realistic and fair gameplay.

    If you don't like these threads you are more than welcome to not click on them. You spread false information and attempt to suppress others players' opinions.

    It's hard to take you seriously considering you think cast times are cool because you can "trick" inexperienced players with them.
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    My stamblade uses Incap and DBoS. Both of those are complete dookie now.

    I use Onslaught on my stamplar and it honestly doesn't even feel like there's a cast time on it.

    I don't understand why some ultis got a cast time and others don't.

    Get rid of them completely. They have made combat more clunky, less fun, and less skill-based.
  • Bucky Balls
    Bucky Balls
    1. What are your thoughts on such solution? Do you use one or more of those ultimates?
    I'm old and slow and have only recently, as stiff digits permit, started to auto-animation cancel. Then ultimate cast time delays were introduced so, given my slower reactions, I'm cancelling them more often meaning they rarely fire. For example, the nb siphon ult is kind of a-get-into-middle and-drop-bursty-heal-dmg-stun but has now become get-into-middle-and-die-rather-embarrassingly effort. Maybe that's on me, though. Both pvp/pve, incidentally.

    2. Is this "soultion" does its job? Is it easier for you to counter those ultimates?
    No. If a character is to die from a burst combination in any context then it would happen anyway and latency has far more effect on this than ultimate delay time. I have been in situations where my character dropped like a stone in a split-second (obviously the other guy was cheating, right? /s) and equally been in others where the gap-closing opponent was approaching in slow motion giving me enough time to grab a cup of coffee, stretch, think about dinner and other stuff then deal with the attacker.

    3. Do you have any ideas on how this could be done in alternative way?
    Rhetoric aside, just revert it. Even to my old eyes and hands and occasional jumps in latency/lag (both personal and technical) it feels rather clunky and slow and very awkward. Both pvp/pve.

    But it is what it is; presumably zos reviewed character kill/death statistics and continues to monitor them?
  • KageNin
    Cast time should be removed , Lag and overall performance doesn't allow for precise implications of such methods, decrease the damage if needed but in a environment where my ultimate with cast time or not doesn't go off but still gets drained it's a dreadfull idea.
  • Stebarnz
    Agreed, this hurts NB more than any other class.

    With the added clunkyness that lag brings it compounds the issue.

    Needs a rethink.
  • brandonv516
    KageNin wrote: »
    Cast time should be removed , Lag and overall performance doesn't allow for precise implications of such methods, decrease the damage if needed but in a environment where my ultimate with cast time or not doesn't go off but still gets drained it's a dreadfull idea.

    Yeah I have no problem with toning down the damage.


    It is a little strong for no-cp lol!
  • Rianai
    That's with the dmg buff from bg spawn. It has similar dmg to other burst ultimaes - including the cheap, undodgeable - and instant - crescent sweep. The dmg is fine - the cast time is not.
  • jcm2606
    Cast times are bad and should be removed ASAP. Intentionally making the game less responsive, just to remove the need for newer players to learn to predict when they're coming or learn to counter them, is a horrible idea, and should have never even made it onto the drawing board to begin with.

    Rather than dumbing the game down because a few refuse to learn, how about you make them learn, and make it easier on them to learn by actually teaching them, rather than throwing them in the deep end and hoping they figure it out? Maybe?
    sproattt wrote: »
    ^ The only players enjoying PvP ults right now are the Magplars and the DKs. Any Sorc knows the streak glitch ruins the class/Meteor only works effectively when streak works and the cast times killed Nbs offensive and defensive Ult.

    Magplars AoE cheap costing instant cast proccing burning light every 0.5s is in a good place.

    Or DKs cheap instant casting group AoE high tooltip skill which gives a shield, STUN and resources upon use.

    "Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once" If all classes don't receive the same treatment across the board then you're clearly favouring classes over others.

    Just wanna say, Ferocious Leap, the one you mentioned giving a shield, costs 125 ult, the same as DBoS. Take Flight is the reduced cost, but it only drops to 110. No where near the 70 ult that Radial Sweep costs.
    Agreed. I've yet to meet a single player who has welcomed the change when this discussion comes up.
  • renne
    I don't understand why some ultis got a cast time and others don't.

    Either they all have it or they all don't. Have it all over the place and "punishing" some classes worse than others is just garbage.
  • Lylith
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    This change feels completly out of touch with what the community wants and how the game feels.

    Also we cant cast those ults while blocking wich is crucial in some Situations and even more frequently when Nightblades defensive ult has a cast time..... Omg

    the same could be said of many of the features we've been given in the last few major updates.

  • KageNin
    @brandonv516 DUDE ..... nice xD
  • Moonsorrow
    I am not a fan of the cast times as said many times, especially frustrating it has been on Soul Siphon (the NB heal ulti morph for those who not remember all the skill names) since often one needs to use a heal ulti in a situation that can be very sensitive to performance issues - and more often than not it just not trigger at all (until it`s too late).

    I like to play reactive (with fast reactions to what is happening around me) and not a guesstimate playing where i will press heal ulti 2 seconds in advance because of the small cast time forces me to stop anything else i do and then pray it works..

    And no, i do not like cast time on Soul Harvest also. I still miss the time before these changes, the melee combat felt so fluid and smooth. Getting a bit sad even for remembering it.. :'(
  • notvenousdrake
    ult cast times need to go back in the trash where they belong
  • Kalante
    ult cast times were a mistake.
  • KingMagaw
    If only Zazeer seen this now :trollface:
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