- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Artorias24 wrote: »Their only statement so far:
Adding cast times to Ultimates appears to be a change most people here have reacted negatively to. Why are these cast times being added? What issue is the team attempting to solve with this change?
Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful.
To make it simple: We dont care about player feedback, we make our own game.
Artorias24 wrote: »This change feels completly out of touch with what the community wants and how the game feels.
Also we cant cast those ults while blocking wich is crucial in some Situations and even more frequently when Nightblades defensive ult has a cast time..... Omg
1. What are your thoughts on such solution? Do you use one or more of those ultimates?
2. Is this "soultion" does its job? Is it easier for you to counter those ultimates?
3. Do you have any ideas on how this could be done in alternative way?
there is a very small minority on this forum that are making these threads, the rest of the eso community is enjoying the changes to ultimates.
please stop making these threads, its getting annoying and its spam is against the forum rules.
in addition,
Ultimates were overperforming, it is good where its at and it makes sence what they did.
i hope it stays this way.
and thier quote:
"Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once, including an Ultimate, is just too much. You also can’t animation cancel them because we don’t want players to be able to instantly cast them anymore. They are just too powerful."
makes it realistic and fair gameplay.
Cast time should be removed , Lag and overall performance doesn't allow for precise implications of such methods, decrease the damage if needed but in a environment where my ultimate with cast time or not doesn't go off but still gets drained it's a dreadfull idea.
^ The only players enjoying PvP ults right now are the Magplars and the DKs. Any Sorc knows the streak glitch ruins the class/Meteor only works effectively when streak works and the cast times killed Nbs offensive and defensive Ult.
Magplars AoE cheap costing instant cast proccing burning light every 0.5s is in a good place.
Or DKs cheap instant casting group AoE high tooltip skill which gives a shield, STUN and resources upon use.
"Ultimate abilities are some of the most powerful abilities in the game. We added cast times so there is counter play; we felt that having 3-4 abilities hitting you at once" If all classes don't receive the same treatment across the board then you're clearly favouring classes over others.
oXI_Viper_IXo wrote: »I don't understand why some ultis got a cast time and others don't.
Artorias24 wrote: »This change feels completly out of touch with what the community wants and how the game feels.
Also we cant cast those ults while blocking wich is crucial in some Situations and even more frequently when Nightblades defensive ult has a cast time..... Omg