Hello, returning player here. I started playing again couple of weeks ago, and I only have the standard version of ESO since I quit in May 2014.I wanted to upgrade to Elsweyr, but I'm kinda confused.
So, there are two digital upgrades offers here:
https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_elsweyr_upgrade_ce - Elsweyr Collector's Edition, 16.5 Euro
https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_elsweyr_upgrade - Elsweyr, 13.5 Euro
but neither of those includes Summerset or Morrowind.
But there's also this offer:
https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_elsweyr_edition for 19 Euro, which includes Morrowind and Summerset.
but this is not a game upgrade pack, it's like purchasing ESO again...? Can I buy this pack to add Elsweyr, Morrowind and Summerset to my existing account?
Sorry if my question is stupid and thanks in advance.
The 19 euro pack will give you the last 3 chapters - Morrowind, Summerset and Elsweyr, and includes access to the base game.
You will be buying this via your account, so the chapters should be added to your existing account. (But that’s just my reading of it)
I agree that ZOS should really write their product descriptions in ways that real people can understand. Because the gibberish they put on these pages is often unintelligible. It’s almost as if they deliberately want to cheat people.
but this is not a game upgrade pack, it's like purchasing ESO again...? Can I buy this pack to add Elsweyr, Morrowind and Summerset to my existing account?
Sorry if my question is stupid and thanks in advance.
RefLiberty wrote: »Nope. wrong, standard are the opposite.
RefLiberty wrote: »It is very simple really. When we are talking about standard offer
Editions that have UPGRADE in the name are for the players that already purchased previous content and they only need latest expansion.
In that category you have:
Elsweyr™ Digital Collector’s Edition Upgrade - 49.99 (now 16.49)
Elsweyr™ Digital Upgrade - 39.99 (now 13.39)
Upgrade editions do NOT(!) have previous content and base game is required to play. Collector edition on UPGRADE version are just those collectors items and mounts.
Standard edition version with all expansions.
Those editions are for new players that never played or purchased anything, so they are bundle.
They Includes access to The Elder Scrolls Online Base Game, Morrowind™ Chapter, Summerset™ Chapter, and Elsweyr Chapter.
In that category you have:
Elsweyr™ Digital Collector’s Edition - 79.99 (now 26.39)
Elsweyr™ Digital Standard Edition - 59.99 (now 19.79)
So both of the two include access to Online Base Game, Morrowind™ Chapter, Summerset™ Chapter, and Elsweyr Chapter.
and ofc Collectors again comes with mounts and those other collector items.
And at the end, you have Standard Edition - thats just a base game without any expansions - 19.99 (now 9.99)
RefLiberty wrote: »Nope. wrong, standard are the opposite.
Opposite of what?
You can redeem standard editions on existing accounts. But as it's a single code on your billing history, you won't get a prorate for content you already have.
If you log in to your account and you cannot use the edition on your account, you will not be able to click Buy Now. It will say You Do Not Qualify For This Product.
RefLiberty wrote: »And at the end, you have Standard Edition - thats just a base game without any expansions - 19.99 (now 9.99)
eklhaftb16_ESO wrote: »RefLiberty wrote: »And at the end, you have Standard Edition - thats just a base game without any expansions - 19.99 (now 9.99)
OK, now I'm confused too: I bought the Standard during the recent free trial week, and Morrowind was included with it.
I understand the concept behind it. What I am asking is, since I have ESO already, can I buy the 19.79 Elsweyr bundle **which is not meant to be an upgrade**, and includes Morrowind and Summerset, and have those 3 chapters added to my account?
Okay, so I just purchased the 19.79 version of Elsweyr which is supposed to be the base game + Elsweyr + Morrowind + Summerset. Even though it's not meant to be an upgrade for existing players, it did unlock all of them on my existing account.
So it's pointless for anyone who doesn't have Morrowind and Summerset to just buy Elsweyr for like 15 Euro from the "Digital upgrades" options.
Instead, buy the 19.79 full game version of Elsweyr, as it includes all 3 chapters.
Thanks for your help!
Yeah well, still, if someone decides to stop being a member, it's nice knowing you have Morrowind and Summerset anyway, they are more important that most DLCs for end-game content.
I plan to buy Orsinium using Crowns, and I don't think I'd need an ESO+ after that since I'm not really into crafting and the bag wouldn't help much - maxed out bank and char inventory slots are more than enough.