As a healer I’m beginning to use Ebon more for end game trials but can not find what I need to transmute the jewellery to I presume it will be arcane to get the magic back ? Please can someone tell me what they use ??
agingerinohio wrote: »As a healer for end game content, I would suggest using healing sets not a tank set. Most end game tanks will already be wearing Ebon and you will more than likely be asked to switch sets. But if you already work with a group that is okay with you wearing that, then you will definitely want Arcane.
OG_Kaveman wrote: »agingerinohio wrote: »As a healer for end game content, I would suggest using healing sets not a tank set. Most end game tanks will already be wearing Ebon and you will more than likely be asked to switch sets. But if you already work with a group that is okay with you wearing that, then you will definitely want Arcane.
Thing is, some end game strats have the healer wearing ebon, I have seen one healer in vAS using it, so ebon is relevant to end gamer healers.
AgaTheGreat wrote: »As an end game tank I would advise you not to use ebon on a healer. Use torugs instead so if you need ebon the tank can wear it
OG_Kaveman wrote: »agingerinohio wrote: »As a healer for end game content, I would suggest using healing sets not a tank set. Most end game tanks will already be wearing Ebon and you will more than likely be asked to switch sets. But if you already work with a group that is okay with you wearing that, then you will definitely want Arcane.
Thing is, some end game strats have the healer wearing ebon, I have seen one healer in vAS using it, so ebon is relevant to end gamer healers.
luton0watford4 wrote: »If more than one group member has ebon, does it double the benefit?
agingerinohio wrote: »As a healer for end game content, I would suggest using healing sets not a tank set. Most end game tanks will already be wearing Ebon and you will more than likely be asked to switch sets. But if you already work with a group that is okay with you wearing that, then you will definitely want Arcane.
luton0watford4 wrote: »If more than one group member has ebon, does it double the benefit?
No, it doesn't.
Jem_Kindheart wrote: »Yeah, for vCR and vAS+2, a healer wearing Ebon is a common strategy. I still disagree with it, because I think it does indeed reduce that healers' raw healing output. But this is what raid leaders want so... Been asked to wear Hircines lately sometimes too, especially after the sustain nerfs, again I think that is a mistake to cripple a healer instead of asking one of 8 dps to wear a stamina set (Hircines) or make the sacrifice in one dps to wear Ebon instead of a healer. But... I do what I'm asked of to.
Jem_Kindheart wrote: »Yeah, for vCR and vAS+2, a healer wearing Ebon is a common strategy. I still disagree with it, because I think it does indeed reduce that healers' raw healing output. But this is what raid leaders want so... Been asked to wear Hircines lately sometimes too, especially after the sustain nerfs, again I think that is a mistake to cripple a healer instead of asking one of 8 dps to wear a stamina set (Hircines) or make the sacrifice in one dps to wear Ebon instead of a healer. But... I do what I'm asked of to.
agingerinohio wrote: »As a healer for end game content, I would suggest using healing sets not a tank set. Most end game tanks will already be wearing Ebon and you will more than likely be asked to switch sets. But if you already work with a group that is okay with you wearing that, then you will definitely want Arcane.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »I don't get what's the deal with Ebon on healers. Yolnak and Alkosh are necessary only on 1 tank but it is good to have Alkosh on both tanks for solid uptime. That leaves you with one open slot for a heavy-armor support set. And there certainly aren't many options, Dragon and Ebon being the best of them. But would you really have your healer go with Ebon and tank with Dragon, when you can have tank with Ebon and healer with Jorvuld? Not even saying that Jorvuld slightly overperforms Dragon in terms of Major Force uptime.
But whatever, if raid leader orders so, you must obey. Arguing may bring you into trouble.
In our vCR+3 progression group, two tanks that go downstairs and swap Z'maja wear Yolnak and the third tank that takes care of mini bosses wears Ebon. We do it for the exact reason I stated above. This third tank is with the group always anyways.