Based on the song/poem found as
lorebook, which describes how Sotha Sil negotiated an agreement with 8 of the Daedric Princes. While the exact terms are unknown, the intention was to keep the Princes from interfering with Nirn's affairs directly. Not that it helped much in the long run.

There we have:
Molag Bal, the Schemer, right in the centre, on his throne. It's his plane after all and domination is his schtick anyway.
To his left
Hermaeus Mora, the Scryer, observing the whole scene with some interest. Maybe there is something to be learned here. Or the whole thing might end in a fight, good enough entertainment at any rate.
Somewhat in the background on the left side
the Raver, Sheogorath. I don't think he cares terribly much, nor that his attention span is long enough to follow lengthy negotiations and... ooh, butterflies!
Next to him
Hircine, the Hunter. Politics aren't really his thing, but since the others came *shrug*. Wait, was there a movement to the left?
Azura, the Twilight, secured the only piece of furniture available apart from Bal's throne. They didn't really expect her to stand the whole time, now, did they? And while there is certainly no love lost between her and one of these wannabe gods, she does seem to care at least a tiny bit about mortals. Maybe. Whatever the reason, she for one actually shows some interest in the terms of the agreement.
The same can't be said about
Mehrunes Dagon, the Destroyer. Not only did he once flatten Ald Sotha and all of Sotha Sil's family along with it, but to demand from him to keep his way too many hands off Nirn? The audacity!
On the right,
Boethiah, Hunger, or so the wiki says. Since there was already an overabundance in shirtless guys, in her female form. She also does seem to like snakes. Whatever.
In the background,
Malacath, the Pariah, eyes rather on Boethiah than on the negotiations, sword ready. Not that he likes any of the other Daedric Princes,
at all, but in one room... plane... with Boethiah? Might not be such a good idea.
And last, but not least,
Sotha Sil, the Clockwork. Whatever he offered the Daedric Princes (or threatened them with), it didn't keep Mehrunes Dagon from attacking Mournhold shortly after. Nor Molag Bal from his little planemeld endeavor.