Emote wheel? Is this a thing?
I assume you don't mean the quickslot wheel for pots and sieges, since you call it the 'other quickslot wheel'.
I don’t know if anybody pitched this idea yet, but what if for the base game they got rid of the emote wheel and replaced it for a loadout wheel? That way console has the option to quickly switch out gear in trials without taking forever to switch it manually. I don’t know that people would be too hurt by losing the emote wheel, but if they do we could add it to the other quick slot wheel and add four more slots.
Some just might be more interested in an emote wheel. Just saying.
Not knowing the limitations of offering such a think to console, but speaking from a PC perspective, this is something that should be part of the base UI. We have had addons available for this for a long time and I have used them heavily. With how well they server us Zos should add it. It seems to be a no brainer but Zos seems reluctant to offering such utility to their UI.
It’s a separate quick slot wheel just for emotes. It’s is in the game right now. I don’t know what key it is on pc but on Xbox it’s right on the d pad. They should just combine emote wheel with the quick slot and replace the emote one with loadouts
I don’t know if anybody pitched this idea yet, but what if for the base game they got rid of the emote wheel and replaced it for a loadout wheel? That way console has the option to quickly switch out gear in trials without taking forever to switch it manually. I don’t know that people would be too hurt by losing the emote wheel, but if they do we could add it to the other quick slot wheel and add four more slots.
Grianasteri wrote: »
Emote wheel provides literally hours of light relief and enjoyment during the down time, which there is a lot of in ESO, waiting for queues, waiting for spawns - wb, dolments etc, waiting for groups to form - trials, dungeons, hanging around at the undaunted enclaves etc etc.
BUT, we do need the ability to quickly and efficiently change load out. This seems long over due. I am sure there is a method to implement this without removing the emote wheel.
That way console has the option to quickly switch out gear in trials without taking forever to switch it manually.
I don’t run on console, but I assume there’s a button to bring up some form of the main menu in the game. ZOS could just add a category for loadouts to that menu.
Do consoles have some sort of keyboard support? If ZOS played to that, I would think all sorts of quick key functionality could be added to the base game without necessarily messing with the default gamepad functions.