Just tried to que for wayrest sewers II we got in and made it into the room with the adds, and NPC's and cleared the room but unable to gain access through the door. Lol you know that same door bug issue that has been going on for how many years? So of course I left the group and now have the que penalty.
First off all, the undaunted daily is what the quest giver under the tent provides that leads us to a regular delve in a zone based on your level.
I assume you are speaking about the pledge and I can only guess the pledge brought you to Wayrest Sewers.
The door bug first appears in this game in April 2014 when that dungeon was known as Veteran Wayrest Sewers. It would happen when someone was on the original quest. Zos seemed to fix this but since we did not have to deal with the dialogue which included the NPCs opening the door it rarely had a chance to occur.
Zos, in their infinite wisdom chose to have all quest dialogue and actions which includes waiting for the NPCs to open this door and as a result the bug has a chance to haunt us more.
The logical fix would be not have that door close to begin with as is would guarantee dungeon progress would not be blocked. Such simple and sound solutions often escape bug fixes in games.
GrimTheReaper45 wrote: »
probably stuck in combat bug. My group ran into the same issue and Ive also had the same problem in vaults of madness with the door to last boss.
You cant interact with things while in combat, including doors.
TempPlayer wrote: »Have you kill all the mobs in the first hallway sewer, even those under the metal grid?
TempPlayer wrote: »Have you kill all the mobs in the first hallway sewer, even those under the metal grid?
Wayrest sewers II isn't the one with the optional boss.
Hapexamendios wrote: »
You have to make it through the DOOR! Before you make it to either one!!