Shadowasrial wrote: »It’s been a year since we have gotten more cp. The last thing they told us was for the foreseeable future it wouldn’t be raised until they worked out how it would be changed. So far we have received no insight on what direction they are going. It would be nice if someone on the @ZOS team could give us some insight. Even if it’s not close to finished it would be nice to know what the idea they have planned for it is.
IndianaJames7 wrote: »Simmer the frick down... so much is broken atm the last thing they need to do is rebalance another aspect of the game. People have complained about performance for a long time (with good reason) but currently it’s so bad even ZOS must acknowledge that is the first priority.
IndianaJames7 wrote: »Simmer the frick down... so much is broken atm the last thing they need to do is rebalance another aspect of the game. People have complained about performance for a long time (with good reason) but currently it’s so bad even ZOS must acknowledge that is the first priority.
Shadowasrial wrote: »
Shadowasrial wrote: »It’s been a year since we have gotten more cp. The last thing they told us was for the foreseeable future it wouldn’t be raised until they worked out how it would be changed. So far we have received no insight on what direction they are going. It would be nice if someone on the @ZOS team could give us some insight. Even if it’s not close to finished it would be nice to know what the idea they have planned for it is.
IndianaJames7 wrote: »Shadowasrial wrote: »
How is that a problem? You are still able to flex in game and on the forums about how much cp you have, which is about all cp should do once you get that much. I personally don’t think that people who have put 10k hours in this game should continue to get an advantage over newer players because of cp (I’m guessing you playtime is somewhere around there based on my own cp vs time spent). The amount of in game experience you should have gained while getting those points should be enough of an advantage in itself.
IndianaJames7 wrote: »Shadowasrial wrote: »
How is that a problem? You are still able to flex in game and on the forums about how much cp you have, which is about all cp should do once you get that much. I personally don’t think that people who have put 10k hours in this game should continue to get an advantage over newer players because of cp (I’m guessing you playtime is somewhere around there based on my own cp vs time spent). The amount of in game experience you should have gained while getting those points should be enough of an advantage in itself.
A lot of players whined to have CP removed, no more grind and 'vertical' evolution.
So I think CP will be completely removed, character progression will be done via gear update and new skill lines, of course, to obtain those you will have to buy chapters and DLCs, but that's what players asked for.
A lot of players whined to have CP removed, no more grind and 'vertical' evolution.
So I think CP will be completely removed, character progression will be done via gear update and new skill lines, of course, to obtain those you will have to buy chapters and DLCs, but that's what players asked for.
DaNnYtHePcFrEaK wrote: »IndianaJames7 wrote: »Shadowasrial wrote: »
How is that a problem? You are still able to flex in game and on the forums about how much cp you have, which is about all cp should do once you get that much. I personally don’t think that people who have put 10k hours in this game should continue to get an advantage over newer players because of cp (I’m guessing you playtime is somewhere around there based on my own cp vs time spent). The amount of in game experience you should have gained while getting those points should be enough of an advantage in itself.
I dOnT tHiNk ThAt PeOpLe WhO hAvE pUt 10k HoUrS iN tHiS gAeM sHoUlD gEt An AdVaNtAgE oVeR nEwEr PlAyAz CoZ oV cP
You serious???
Shadowasrial wrote: »It’s been a year since we have gotten more cp. The last thing they told us was for the foreseeable future it wouldn’t be raised until they worked out how it would be changed. So far we have received no insight on what direction they are going. It would be nice if someone on the @ZOS team could give us some insight. Even if it’s not close to finished it would be nice to know what the idea they have planned for it is.
IndianaJames7 wrote: »DaNnYtHePcFrEaK wrote: »IndianaJames7 wrote: »Shadowasrial wrote: »
How is that a problem? You are still able to flex in game and on the forums about how much cp you have, which is about all cp should do once you get that much. I personally don’t think that people who have put 10k hours in this game should continue to get an advantage over newer players because of cp (I’m guessing you playtime is somewhere around there based on my own cp vs time spent). The amount of in game experience you should have gained while getting those points should be enough of an advantage in itself.
I dOnT tHiNk ThAt PeOpLe WhO hAvE pUt 10k HoUrS iN tHiS gAeM sHoUlD gEt An AdVaNtAgE oVeR nEwEr PlAyAz CoZ oV cP
You serious???
There is a difference between giving players advantages as they progress through the game and continuing to reward people in a mmo who have put such a ridiculous amount of hours into it that even most active players will never come anywhere close to reaching.
Not that CP is that big of an advantage past a certain point as others have mentioned due to diminishing returns. The whole thing just seems like a non issue, and is the last thing ZOS should be spending their time looking at right now.
Edit: removed insult to the comment’s TeXt UsEd before mod removes my comment
cyclonus11 wrote: »Acquire 15 baubles, 10 tickets each from events, for a 20CP increase.