Sai Sahan must be getting senile...

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... because after the conclusion of SotD, he'll tell you to let Lyris Titanborn know he's okay, even if you sacrificed her during the The God of Schemes quest.


Lyris return in future DLC confirmed?
Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • Harrdarrzarr
    Not confirmed, but there are some strong indications. During the prologue quest, Sai said that Lyris couldn't help because she got called away to something more urgent. That might be related to the next chapter likely being somewhere in Skyrim.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    You misread the dialogue. What Sai Sahan is saying here is that he needs to go find Lyris and let her know he is all right.

    We're certainly going to be meeting Lyris again next year. What this dialogue indicates is that Sai Sahan might turn up in Skyrim too. What could possibly go wrong with such a re-union. Just think of all the scenarios that might play out if this meeting was going to take place in a soap opera. My bet is we'll find that Lyris has already married a vigorous and handsome young giant. Or possibly Darian.

    PC EU
  • Sinolai
    You misread the dialogue. What Sai Sahan is saying here is that he needs to go find Lyris and let her know he is all right.

    We're certainly going to be meeting Lyris again next year. What this dialogue indicates is that Sai Sahan might turn up in Skyrim too. What could possibly go wrong with such a re-union. Just think of all the scenarios that might play out if this meeting was going to take place in a soap opera. My bet is we'll find that Lyris has already married a vigorous and handsome young giant. Or possibly Darian.

    No, Lyris died in Coldharbour. She was used as a sacrifice to unlock the powers of the Amulet of the Kings. Yet Sai wants to find her and tell her that HE is okay :tongue: Pretty sure ZoS is going to introduce all main quest companions back to the game again, even Varen.

    Player's RP choices doesn't seem to affect the game at all anymore....
  • Royaji
    Sinolai wrote: »
    No, Lyris died in Coldharbour. She was used as a sacrifice to unlock the powers of the Amulet of the Kings. Yet Sai wants to find her and tell her that HE is okay :tongue: Pretty sure ZoS is going to introduce all main quest companions back to the game again, even Varen.

    Player's RP choices doesn't seem to affect the game at all anymore....

    Play how you want*.

    *As long as you make decisions we want you to make.
  • Asardes
    Most likely every NPC from that quest line is a Daedra of sorts by now, if they passed trough Coldharbour, even the player, so sacrifice/death means nothing. So Lyris is only an ersatz Lyris made from azure plasm, and so is Sai Sahan, Cadwell - we know for certain he was killed because he betrayed the Mane. And memory loss is to be expected after the said being is being copied, killed, reconstituted again. For example ersatz Cadwell can't remember how he died until he finds Cadwell's bones in Elsweyr and confronted by his undead doppelganger.
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  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Sinolai wrote: »
    No, Lyris died in Coldharbour. She was used as a sacrifice to unlock the powers of the Amulet of the Kings. Yet Sai wants to find her and tell her that HE is okay :tongue: Pretty sure ZoS is going to introduce all main quest companions back to the game again, even Varen.

    Player's RP choices doesn't seem to affect the game at all anymore....

    If one of your characters chose Lyris it will remain true in that character's story that Lyris died in Coldharbour. That does not stop it also being true that some ineffable god-like agency can put Lyris back into the Mundus to fulfil her destiny. And there are any number of ineffable god-like agencies in TES.
    PC EU
  • VaranisArano

    If one of your characters chose Lyris it will remain true in that character's story that Lyris died in Coldharbour. That does not stop it also being true that some ineffable god-like agency can put Lyris back into the Mundus to fulfil her destiny. And there are any number of ineffable god-like agencies in TES.

    You know, I kinda miss TES IV Oblivion, where Martin's self-sacrifice to mantle Akatosh in order to prevent Mehrunes Dagon from conquering Nirn was actually treated as a meaningful action with lasting consequences.
  • RaddlemanNumber7

    You know, I kinda miss TES IV Oblivion, where Martin's self-sacrifice to mantle Akatosh in order to prevent Mehrunes Dagon from conquering Nirn was actually treated as a meaningful action with lasting consequences.

    I wish ZOS would have respected The Prophet's, Sai's and Lyris' sacrifice too.
    PC EU
  • BlissfulDeluge
    @Harrdarrzarr and @RaddlemanNumber7, you're misunderstanding. See, I sacrificed Lyris Titanborn during the final main quest (base game). Now Sai Sahan wants to find her and tell her he's fine, even though, you know... he was blaming me for her death after Molag Bal's defeat. Now he's happy to be friends and act like everything is fine, Hell, even pretending that Lyris is still alive. I guess you might say Sai Sahan is living with a... blissful delusion.

    Baa dum, tsss

    You know, I kinda miss TES IV Oblivion, where Martin's self-sacrifice to mantle Akatosh in order to prevent Mehrunes Dagon from conquering Nirn was actually treated as a meaningful action with lasting consequences.

    Absolutely agreed @VaranisArano. I love TES, and I enjoy the fact that there's an Elder Scrolls MMO, but the writing of the game leaves a lot to be desired.

    All in the name of "Play how you want". What a foolish idea.
    Edited by BlissfulDeluge on November 19, 2019 7:34PM
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • Shadowshire
    You misread the dialogue. What Sai Sahan is saying here is that he needs to go find Lyris and let her know he is all right.
    Regardless of your interpretation of the dialogue, which certainly seems logically correct, if the player's character sacrificed Lyris Titanborn during the base game Main Quest The God of Schemes, then the only way that she can appear again is as a ghost. More to the point, Sai Sahan would know that she had been killed as "the sacrificial lamb".

    My characters have always sacrificed "The Prophet", thus leaving the lovers Sai Sahan and Lyris Titanborn alive. A player cannot chose to sacrifice Abnur Tharn instead, because he must conduct the ritual that will enable the player's character to continue the quest to confront and defeat Molag Bal.

    However, Varen Aquilarios (The Prophet) does appear in the Wrothgar DLC at the end of its main quest -- as a ghost. He warns the player's character that there is a war brewing among the Daedric Princes who are "choosing sides". He also says that he must continue to his final afterlife destination, so he cannot aid the player's character. This prophecy was apparently fulfilled in the Summerset chapter's main quest.

    Edited by Shadowshire on November 20, 2019 1:05AM
    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
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