Like others have stated.... they continue to have too many issues related to their services.
Great game and love it for some R&R when I'm home. But why pay a monthly membership for all these issues. My personal opinion is Bethesda is starting to disrupt services intentionally to push customers to the new Elder Scrolls game in development.
And the point of this thread is?
Cancelling my ESO+ membership!
I think its the whales decisions what they want to spend their money on but i agree that they dont help with the accountability of the company to make sure their game runs smoothly. As an anecdotal to your “more than they spend on their real life clothes or houses”, i have a buddy that has a 2018 i think, camaro, fully decked out with all kinds of car terms that im ignorant of and a sweet sound system. To contrast, his living room has a sd big screen from 1996 and outdoor chairs for furniture.halucin0g3n wrote: »No, he does very good informing others what he's doing. Because there are so called "whales" that spend on crown store, for housing or motifs or whatever more than they spend on their real life clothes or houses.You'll see lot of shining players, very rich which at conventions you feel like giving them half of your sandwich. Someone needs to open these so-called "whales" their eyes. It's because of them this game is broken and it's because of them Zos can get away with all the greed.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I am pretty sure that most people that are annoyed about people dropping ESO+ are mostly NA players. They have not experienced EU server... if they did, they would have probably dropped their sub & hopes too...
Like others have stated.... they continue to have too many issues related to their services.
Great game and love it for some R&R when I'm home. But why pay a monthly membership for all these issues. My personal opinion is Bethesda is starting to disrupt services intentionally to push customers to the new Elder Scrolls game in development.