Time to cancel your eso+

#eso since they fail update after update it's time to cancel your eso+ , i hope you will follow this movement, why should we pay for their incompetence
#ElderScrollsOnline #ESOFam
Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 5:12AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Nope. I get max fun out of the game, so I'm perfectly happy to pay. Take your stupid "movement" and put it where the sun don't shine.
  • Grabber
    They are just trying to grab as much cash as possible since amazon is going to be releasing a competitive game to them, and of course amazon has unlimited resources and zos doesn’t
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:44AM
  • Kiralyn2000
    Ok, I'll cancel the ESO+ that I haven't had since 2016 or 17. Now what?
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:44AM
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:44AM
  • chrightt
    Grabber wrote: »
    They are just trying to grab as much cash as possible since amazon is going to be releasing a competitive game to them, and of course amazon has unlimited resources and zos doesn’t

    LMAO not gonna lie, best joke I’ve heard all day. LOL Amazon and their *** ain’t gonna be worth ***. Wait another 2 years and feel disappointed.
  • Deep_01
    If you are happy and you know.... Errr..
    @Deepan on PC-EU
  • Sylvermynx
    Frackou wrote: »
    just cancel your eso+, show them your not a goat or what ever.!!!! it just time to stop this !!!!!!!

    Nah.... I'm happy with my subs. Go away silly child.
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:44AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    I don't even bother with ESO+ just wait for the freebie weeks and buy 2 packs of crowns when they're on sale.
  • Nemesis7884
    i will decide if i continue with the game and the subscription once they announce the next chapter...we'll see... but im kinda getting more and more in the mood for some other more single player games... outer worlds is great, cyber punk coming out...path of exile 2 looks great, diablo 4?, mount & blade 2, starfield from bethesda (maybe?) etc...
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:43AM
  • RefLiberty
    #Hashtags #everywhere #ESO #something
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:43AM
  • Sylvermynx
    i will decide if i continue with the game and the subscription once they announce the next chapter...we'll see... but im kinda getting more and more in the mood for some other more single player games... outer worlds is great, cyber punk coming out...path of exile 2 looks great, diablo 4?, mount & blade 2, starfield from bethesda (maybe?) etc...

    I hope you find something really fun there. I don't like games such as those. I only play TES really. So I'm happy with ESO for now.... I'm not feeling really as if TES VI is going to happen ever at this point. *sigh*
  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:43AM
  • mayasunrising
    I think people tend to forget that they don't live in a vacuum. Newsflash; what you think is not what everyone thinks. I'm perfectly happy with ESO and I'm happy to support ZOS with my sub.

    Lag and server performance issues have been around since the dawn of MMOs. This is nothing new. When you have 1000s of people on 1000s of platforms systems and PCs connecting to a server through tens of 1000s of network nodes (what do you think you connect directly from your computer to ZOS' network? Does no one run trace routes anymore?) things go wrong. C'est la vie.

    So, I'll keep my sub thanks very much...at least until something comes along that satisfies my riot grrrl gamer needs better.
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    “They'll tell you you're too loud, that you need to wait your turn and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Major_Lag
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Nope. I get max fun out of the game, so I'm perfectly happy to pay. Take your stupid "movement" and put it where the sun don't shine.
    Cancelled my ESO+ months ago, not gonna keep paying for this dumpster fire performance disaster which only keeps getting worse.

    By now there isn't a single day in the week when I don't get lagged out and/or disconnected in primetime at least once per day, in PvE zones no less.
    Never mind the events, which are regularly causing the PCEU server meltdowns.

    I used the recent free play week to set up an additional 1500 storage slots on my account (by creating 3 fake guilds and populating them with dummy accounts), so ZOS can now take their ESO+ and shove it where the sun don't shine.
  • Darkenarlol
    ban for agitation *yawn and back to enjoy ESO+*
  • RefLiberty
    Major_Lag wrote: »
    I used the recent free play week to set up an additional 1500 storage slots on my account (by creating 3 fake guilds and populating them with dummy accounts), so ZOS can now take their ESO+ and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    All that work for like $/Eur 12.99 or something. Like a coke and the hamburger, by micromanaging and moving loot from bank to bank clicking the accounts, you could do something more useful in life, you are actually losing money :D

  • Gythral
    Well past the time to cancel, but ZOS wont care as the whales just buy clown store stuff and not actually 'play' the content so never see the god awful mess players do!

    And for worse, whales are what count to the suits!!!
    Edited by Gythral on November 16, 2019 5:43AM
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Major_Lag
    RefLiberty wrote: »

    All that work for like $/Eur 12.99 or something. Like a coke and the hamburger, by micromanaging and moving loot from bank to bank clicking the accounts, you could do something more useful in life, you are actually losing money :D
    Wrong. ESO+ does not give you 1500 storage slots for items. IIRC you only get an extra ~240 bank slots? Pffff.

    Yes, there's the craft bag - but you can't put items in it, only materials.

  • Frackou
    Edited by Frackou on November 16, 2019 10:43AM
  • RefLiberty
    Major_Lag wrote: »
    Wrong. ESO+ does not give you 1500 storage slots for items. IIRC you only get an extra ~240 bank slots? Pffff.

    Yes, there's the craft bag - but you can't put items in it, only materials.

    I'm fine with my mats bag and bank space.

    I don't have two lives on this earth to spend one on clicking mats in and out every time I need something.
    Also I don't have a hamster syndrome.

    For 12 something EUR, yeah I'm fine thank you very much.
  • Sylvermynx
    Frackou wrote: »
    stop blah blah blah just cancel it :)

    No. Absolutely not. Go away.
  • BomblePants
    Is OP a financial advisor 🤔
  • Hippie4927
    Frackou wrote: »
    stop blah blah blah just cancel it :)

    NO! You can't tell me what to do!! Now get off my lawn!
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Major_Lag
    RefLiberty wrote: »

    I'm fine with my mats bag and bank space.

    I don't have two lives on this earth to spend one on clicking mats in and out every time I need something.
    Also I don't have a hamster syndrome.

    For 12 something EUR, yeah I'm fine thank you very much.
    Whitest of white knights, I see.

    The inventory management hell in ESO is absolutely atrocious, and ESO+ does very little to mitigate it.
    Before I got my new 1500 slots, I was constantly frustrated with my bank constantly being full (and I DO still have my ESO+ active, it hasn't expired yet!).

    I wasn't even storing much in the bank - a few spare sets (for PvP mostly), Cyrodiil Coldharbor sieges, consumables for writs... that about wraps it up.

    Now I can put all the less-frequently-needed stuff away in the guild banks, and keep my personal bank mostly empty, so that it can ACTUALLY SERVE ITS PURPOSE for putting items in it when I'm out in the field.
    And with the Inventory Insight addon, keeping track of what items are where is a complete non-issue.
  • Siohwenoeht
    Op, the game is designed for player churn, ie new players buying the game for the first time. If you notice, zos never claims any numbers related to ESO plus, but throws parties when they reach another million copies sold.

    I'd wager that the sub money they get is not the main income driver for the game, and thus not as impactful as you'd hope.
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