OnlyOnThursday wrote: »I have an idea.
Maybe the developers could pretend to fix the game and then we could celebrate with an event!
Thorley23_ESO wrote: »The problem with MMORPG PVP, especially in an established game like this, is that there are only so many players. The big argument for why they cannot do a lot of common sense things late in the process is simply that the community isn't big enough to deal with the divides, as it's a huge gamble to assume if they balance out PVP that it will get more people to come into PVP to replace those who left.
I do tend to agree that PVP in ESO needs to be better segregated as PUG Vs. PUG, and pre-made Vs. premade group (or not allowing premade groups at all, but that would prevent people from playing with their friends which is a whole different can of worms), however at the same time many people would quit PVP as many people who are "good at it" are simply those who get to "farm newbs" by being coordinated when the other side is not, and it's been that way for a long time. In the few experiments I've seen when they force premade groups to fight each other exclusively you see a lot of people quit PVP as it leads to a lot of people who insist they were good at it getting a reality check when the best groups dominate and farm them the same way....
As far as skill-based matchmaking, one problem is also that the more accurate it is, the harder it can be to even get into PVP since there needs to be other people wanting to PVP at the same time and if there aren't enough people in the same basic bracket, you can't play. This could leave to ironic situations where your "Grand Overlord" can't PVP anymore because there is nobody good enough to put him up against, or in other cases you wind up with the game struggling to find players as terrible as you are to fill up a match.
Simply put i understand the problems, and when you consider ESO has been running a long time now and the player base probably isn't as huge as it once was... well... you have to take what you can get.