by Aigym Hlervu
Under these sun and skies I greet you warmly, muthsera!
Once slurping that Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup I caught myself thinking: "Damn! Why the Oblivion I eat this Nordic gippo instead of eating my native Dunmeri food?". I also decided to open a restaurant, say "Hlervu's Dunmeri cuisine a la carte Restaurant", at one of my houses in Vvardenfell. What do you think of it? Anyway, we don't live to eat, but we eat to live. The variety of Dunmeri dishes fully describes the variety of our culture. Yes, these days the majority of tamrielics eat common food with no concern of what exactly do they eat. No matter what food it is - it buffs the attributes and the people feel fine. But every food is a cultural feature and not only a mean to buff stats. Sometimes it tells us much more regarding some specific culture than any book can ever describe. Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you what you are. For example that Falinesti Forbidden Fruit dish which is named after a Bosmeri lost city - this entremet type dish consists only of melon, radish and seasoning. An awful and useless meal, I might add.. It's 100% vegetable ingredients, so it is a pure violation of the Green Pact in the Bosmeri diet, thus it is called forbidden. Ah, those Bosmer do not wish neither to think nor to work while they are hungry, though when they're well-fed they just can't work at all. So if you happen to own a Bosmeri slave keep it half-starved to work more and to think less.

This Guide is not intended to give you a description of any nutrition facts because they can change due to those strange Nirn-wide phenomenons when your, say, battle hammer was a Volendrung-like weapon yesterday, but today it can't help you to strike a nail into the wall. Food is not an exception here.. There are 277 known recipes of common pan-tamrielic and national dishes overall today. Though some future events might bring us some more recipes, 27 out of those 277 are purely Dunmeri dishes. I think it is a great number. Our dishes consist of seven main types:
seven fruit dishes:
Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'Ouevre,
Redoran Peppered Melon,
Garlic Guar Stuffed Grape Leaves,
Stormhold Baked Bananas,
Kragenmoor Pickled Pumpkin,
Ordinator's Beetle-Cheese Soup
House Hlaalu Pumpkin Risotto;
four vegetable dishes:
Balmora Cabbage Biscuits,
Indoril Radish Tartlets,
Vvardenfell Ash Yam Loaf
Velothi Cabbage Soup),
two savoury dishes:
Grape-Glazed Bantam Guar,
Ashlander Nix-Hound Chili),
three ragout dishes:
Narsis Bantam Guar Hash,
Necrom Beetle-Cheese Poutine,
Kwama Egg Omelet;
two gourmet dishes:
Vvardenfell Cliff Racer Ragout
Ashlander Ochre Mash;
four meat dishes:
Blacklight Oxen Meatballs,
Curried Kwama Scrib Risotto,
Dunmeri Jerked Horse Haunch,
Kwama Egg Quiche;
as many as
three national delicacy dishes:
Lava Foot Soup and Saltrice,
Deregulated Mushroom Stew,
Clockwork Citrus Filet;
two furnishing dishes:
Clockwork Bowl, Nutriment Paste,
Ashlander Platter, Bread and Cheese.
So now you see the most common ingredients we use are melons, saltrice, seasoning, cheese, bananas (if a dish was invented in our Southern regions like Stormhold), pumpkin, tomatoes, greens, flour, radish, potato, poultry, Jazbay grapes, white and red meat, garlic, beets, game and small game, carrots, those rare Frost Miriam plant and perfect roe, scrib jelly, Namira's rot, Imp stool and lemons. As you see it, all the major Dunmeri factions have its signature dish. Though of course it doesn't mean you have to eat that Ordinator's Beetle-Cheese Soup only after becoming an Ordinator (check my guide to become the one
here). Those Clockwork City flavorless nutriment paste, fabricant meat, few organic foods harvested at the Everwound Wellspring farm only due to continious sacrifices of the locals, etc. are beyond of my views on Good and Evil. I only hope that fabricated "food" won't become cheaper than that organic one so merchants and food manufacturers will not switch all their assets to produce that dung. Clockwork Citrus Filet's nutriment facts are very high, but this delicacy dish is made of fabricant flesh, perfectly seared and braised in local "fruits". Same story is with that fabricant Deregulated Mushroom Stew. Hm.. I'd better eat that Frosted brain on a stick. It's organic after all: white meat, honey.. Mm, yammy! This list is not final - some recipes like
Redoran Cooking Secrets contain some exotic types of ingredients to cook seemingly common dishes like Crab Meat Stew and Frog Muffins. Though I guess you won't try to find any frogs to cook that dish, House Redoran knows not only the ways of killing, but also the ways of cooking.
Do we have any cooking myths? Yes! Some foreign nations say we eat horses. Haha, a nice try to slander there. But an effective one though.. The only known "horse" dish we have is that Dunmeri Jerked Horse Haunch. Yes, it is a meat type dish, but look at its ingredients - radish and seasoning only! Yuck.. Anyway, some may say that horse meat is a "secret ingredient" of that recipe thus it's left unmentioned. But it is not true because three other Dunmeri dishes of that type do have at least red meat or poultry on the list thus representing certain meat ingredients to cook them. Kwama scrib's meat is considered to be a poultry type of meat there, while oxen meatballs are made of red meat. And of course you can't make Risotto without saltrice. Horses are passive animals, thus their meat ought to be white meat. But it is not on the list. Just ask yourself: "If horse meat cooking is so common to Dunmer society, why is there not a
single recipe to cook it out there within all the riches of the local cuisine?" I guess the answer is clear. So no horses here until you find a single Dunmer eating it.
Moreover, according to the
Ordinator Edict Mandate Twenty-One, creatures' meat cataloged in the Sacred Register of Unclean Beasts is not permitted within Vivec City limits. This list includes many
milk-producing beasts, owls, tailless apes, dreugh larvae, and egg-laden crustaceans. Horses
are milk-producing animals and thus seem to be considered unclean. So if a merchant does not want to be sentenced to the forfeiture of any Writs of Divine Sanction, fines, and possible corporal reeducation he will not sell it in Vivec City and will submit all the meat he sells for an inspection by a Temple-appointed Dreni'urolan. That Sacred Register of Unclean Beasts might also be the real reason horses are naturally absent in Vvardenfell. That outlanders' fear for us eating their steeds in the streets is nonsense.
We are not horse eaters!

There are 277 known recipes of common pan-tamrielic and national drinks overall today. Morrowind is well known for its traditional alcohol drinks exports of
Greef (a Distillate type of drink),
Sujamma (a Liqueur type of drink),
Shein (a Tincture type of drink),
Flin (a Tincture type of drink)
and Mazte. Though some mazte types like Psijic Sage's Mazte might be brewed outside of Morrowind, it is none the less a Dunmeri national drink. Today we have 14 (!) types only of mazte among those 277 recipes:
Lemon Flower Mazte,
Acai Dry Mazte,
Gossamer Mazte,
Spiced Mazte,
Double Clarified Mazte,
Summer Mazte,
Monkeypants Mazte,
Lusty Argonian Maid Mazte,
Sweet Scamp Mazte,
Blacklight Ginger Mazte,
Necrom Nights Mazte,
Kagouti Kick Mazte,
Psijic Sage's Mazte
Kragenmoor Zinger Mazte.
I've said it's 14 types, but mentioned 15 here. Why? All those mazte types are made of rice except that Sweet Scamp "Mazte" which is made of Surilie Grapes, so technically this type of mazte is not mazte at all. It's a counterfeit alcohol product for sure, I do not recommend you to drink. An honorable Dunmer would never drink that booze.
Soft drinks are less known outside of Morrowind. We have 4 sorts of tea represented by
Vivec's Gingergreen Chai,
Mournhold Twister,
Telvanni Tea
Muthsera's Remorse.
Among those sorts of tea today I'd recommend you to try Muthsera's Remorse for it's bold and earthy taste and Telvanni tea (yes, the Bug Musk perfume is not the only good product our Telvanni kin have invented) for it's invigorating flavor which not only brings you clarity of thought but also restores your stamina.
And finally we have five more drinks we make here:
Narsis Wickweat Ale,
Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation,
Spring-Loaded Infusion,
Clockwork Cup, Recycled Water,
Velothi View Vintage Malbec.
Well, there's nothing special with that ale (House Hlaalu has never invented anything outstanding) and Velothi View wine (though I think it's the only non-dunmeri product mentioned here - wines are not Dunmeri featured drinks, though this one resembles that homonymous Velothi part which could be given after the Velothi Mountains instead of the Velothi people), though the wine is hard enough. Recycled water is just.. recycled water.. This water is on the list because nobody recycles water beyond Clockwork City. And that Spring-Loaded Infusion drink.. As all those Clockwork City "dishes" this one is brewed from potable liquids in the Clockwork City. Probably volatile, as the description states it, and quite eye-opening. Well, that's eye-opening for sure, because this "drink" is made of Dwarven Oil and moreover is considered to be a delicacy type of drink!.. Fyr's Hyperagonal Potation is something! I've never thought Divayth's advanced age is based on that hard drinking.
That's all for now. Thanks to everyone who has read it all. Bon appetite to you!
My recently written Guide to Redguard Cuisine is located
here, enjoy the reading!
Both paintings made by Igor Levchenko.