This.It entirely depends on what kind of content are you planning to do. But a simple rule of thumb is that unless you are a PvE tank you should not be slotting crusher at all.
In group content, it's the tank's job to handle that.What I`m after is, I want to lower the penetration of the target to kind of help in a way to raise mine. If you get what I`m trying for. It`s kind of raising my penetration.
Urzigurumash wrote: »Is everybody absolutely certain on a Solo build using two 2h (or bow, staves) that Infused Crushing on Bar 1 and Infused/Nirnhoned/Sharpened Berserker on Bar 2 in no circumstances would outperform having a Poison or other Enchant on Bar 1?
No. Just based on simple math for a solo build having sharpened front bar will provide more penetration than infused crusher. With extra damage/sustain from a different enchant/poison on top.
Urzigurumash wrote: »
Say this Bar 1 only had Hail / Blockade / Stampede and no other offensive skills. Still better off running a poison or Oblivion / Elemental glyph?
This bar is the one where you will run your infused berserker.
Urzigurumash wrote: »
But you could run Infused Berserker and Infused Crushing, you could proc Berserker with Hail and Crushing with Stampede, or something like that.
Again, sharpened weapon with any kind of damage glyph will give you more penetration and more damage than infused weapon with crusher.
Crusher is valuable for groups since it reduces target's resistances for your group members as well. That's why tanks run it. But for solo it does not matter.
Lets get the iron bar and bend it shall we? Sharp 2h gives you 2752 penetration. Infused crusher gives you 2100 odd if memory serves. So Sharp gives you a good amount more penetration yes? Agreed? Good. On top of the extra penetration you get AN EXTRA GLYPH on the weapon! WOWZERZ! Even more damage! Agreed? Good. So no matter how you think about it there is no situations, ever, where having a crusher would beat other options in solo situation. Case closed.
PS. Also would like to point out that sharpened increases your damage which increases your AoE damage, where as crusher affects exactly one enemy that you apply it to, since it is a debuff on the enemy. Solo crusher is simply a bad option.
Urzigurumash wrote: »At 6k weapon damage and 30k stam with 0 other pen, how much does Sharpened increase the damage of ticks of Endless Hail? I ask earnestly, build editor is not working to show me any increase. The Sharpened trait only applies to skills cast from that bar. All damage glyphs and poisons are single target.
Urzigurumash wrote: »That Sharpened is stronger than Crushing is completely irrelevant.
The only relevant question in my view is whether Infused Crushing Backbar + Nirnhoned/Infused/Sharpened Berserker Frontbar is universally outperformed by Infused Berserker Backbar + Nirnhoned/Infused/Sharpened Oblivion Glyph/Damage Health Poison Frontbar.
Urzigurumash wrote: »@MiguZ or are you still too busy trying to grind to level 15 to unlock bar swap?
OG_Kaveman wrote: »Bumping threads is against forum rules, pretty sure harassment is too