let's try this again
Just bosses, each with a hardmode.
The poll on hardest DLC dungeon hardmode had me thinking, dlc dungeon hardmodes are about the most enjoyable thing in the game (for me at least) and I would LOVE a 4-man mini trial that just consists of good boss fights and hardmodes.
Heck, even if there was just a boss rush mode where you go through all hardmode dlc dungeon last bosses, that'd be fun
an FYI, current 4 man arenas do not meet these requirements at all:
1. comparing DSA to dlc dung hardmodes is a big ?
2. DSA has many rounds of adds (directly contradicting mini trial description and boss rush description)
3. not only does DSA not have a hardmode for each boss, it literally has NO hardmode
4. this holds for BRP for the most part as well, vma too (but is single player so is excluded in its own right)