FrancisCrawford wrote: »Actually, my old and once very popular tip thread has some content that still applies, particularly in the first post.
Edit: This site shut down. Oops.
Get a free house, and start doing Master Writs for vouchers as soon as you start getting them, so you can buy housing chests that add inventory slots.
NeeScrolls wrote: »
hi , so i'm technically not a "new" player ( started in beta) but i still feel like a newbie sometimes learning something new in ESO practically every week lol (which is 1 of the great things about this game imo ) . But anyways, i thought the only way to add inventory slots was by either training 'riding' mount skill or by purchasing 'bag slots' from the Crown Market?
So are you saying that the more houses one has = more player inventory max? Or are you just saying "inventory" as in you can use the CHESTS in houses as a substitute (extra) storage?
NineInchSnails wrote: »I've been playing for almost two weeks after buying Elsweyr and subscribing to plus. So far I'm having a lot of fun but there seems a lot to take in. So I'm looking for tips from veteran players. As the title states, what are things you know now that you wish you knew when you were new to the game?
Thanks in advance for any info and happy adventures.