This is the first patch that's had any real impact on my DK's play. She's my only max level character so the rest are still works in progress anyway. So far since I hit 50/CP 160 on her, the same build has been plenty effective for what I do in the game, ie exploration and questing.
But today I found myself noticing a nerf. A skill that was an instant stun now takes three uses in quick succession to get the stun. So no more dropping an arrow volley on a group of mobs then stunning them all fast to keep them in the arrows for a while. Tons of stamina on my Redguard but half the bar disappears getting something stunned and it gets a lot of motion and attacks off in the process.
So I'm going to have to find something else to put in that skill slot. Possibly a few new things on the bar to move to a new synergy.
I used to test everything and figure out which builds and loadouts work best for me. I don’t have the time or enough f***s left to do that every few months for every competitive toon, so I just go to the @Alcast site now and go from there.
But if zeni keeps making changes this frequently I’m not even going to bother with internet builds, I’ll just stop running content
IndianaJames7 wrote: »For PVE: Don’t update my build unless it is significantly outperformed by new meta. If I do update it’s pretty much copy paste from Alcast.
PVP: F*** ‘meta PvP’ builds. I theorycraft something I think is cool and unique and grind/ fully gold the gear before even testing it. If it works well then awesome! I now have a solid setup that basically no one else in Cyrodiil is using. If it doesn’t work well? Well s*** I spent too much time building this setup, so I’m still gonna use it for a few months atleast lol
DaNnYtHePcFrEaK wrote: »How dare you not put Liko on there Haha, Liko is by far the best DD in ESO
literally all of these [except alcast this patch because he didn't really test- no disrespect at all, he was working on his dissertation]. I'll ask some resources in my guilds- I'm friends with a few people who are close to liko and those folk so I get to hear their thoughts on things, I ask my guild leaders who decide the criteria for the dps thresholds, I decide myself looking at the patch notes, I look at youtube videos that go over different rotation ideas, and then I settle on something i like, usually borrowing a combination of all those things and inventing a few things myself.
support build skills are waaaaaaaaaay more versatile. I can pretty much do anything I want there as long as I can clear the content. Lately i've been even going double resto for some content and it's a lot of fun and super useful/more nifty than you might think.