After lot of try we saw that deadly stike is still working as a %14 not %20. As yo can see in the picktures when you calculate it you will see %14. for example. Poison injection deals 3905 dot damage while deadly strike bonus are active. After ı change the deadly boot with an other trash bot ( both medium ) its deals 3355 damge. Lets calculate it 3905- %14 (545) = 3360 that value same as well as what we found while the passive is not active. (ı know its not right calculate for math but its only equal like that. We tried right one to but that numbers wasnt same. for this reason there is a problem ) Its PC EU my class orc and ım necromancer. CP is not active. We tried it in pve map.
Edited by MujdatMurdock on November 4, 2019 3:35PM
You need to provide more info like CP allocations, other damage bonuses like Minor Berserk etc. Due to the way bonus interact with each other, you will never get the full value in a CP envioronment unless you put in a single point in a damage bonus.
For e.g., Minor berserk is 8% extra damage on paper but more like 5% in reality.
I did it without any buffs even food. . Without CP. Im not using cp on my character. Just for colosus ultimate the target had %30 damage taken debuff after colosus active. For this reason we calculate it with 2th and 3th smash damage for colosus.