redlink1979 wrote: »If it's Morkuldin, it's a 9 trait set - it means you need to have 9 traits research in all the pieces you intent to craft. Are you aware of that?
wtlonewolf20 wrote: »Seriously why? I hate this. Its annoying and is forcing me to do content I am not ready for.
Veinblood1965 wrote: »
Rofl ok "forcing" made me laugh. Did armed thugs storm your house and make you an offer you couldn't refuse?
wtlonewolf20 wrote: »
Well possibly.... lol no I just had a bad day.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »The Morkuldin set crafting location in Wrothgar can't be accessed through "the back door" to Morkuldin Forge until you do The Hand of Morkul quest in Morkul Descent. I don't remember if you can fight your way through Morkul Descent to get to Morkul Forge without actually doing the quest, but you could possibly argue that the Morkuldin set is "locked" behind a quest.