Git gut.
Why you even decided that there must be no gap? You just depreciating efforts that players put to get better results than others. Most stamina and magicka characters were already braindead in their rotations even before Scalebreaker. When dot meta hited the fan people just refused to play this stupidity. If you have any excuses that you haven't time/willing and etc to improve yourself - just don't make topics like this.
Git gut.
Why you even decided that there must be no gap? You just depreciating efforts that players put to get better results than others. Most stamina and magicka characters were already braindead in their rotations even before Scalebreaker. When dot meta hited the fan people just refused to play this stupidity. If you have any excuses that you haven't time/willing and etc to improve yourself - just don't make topics like this.
Nobody is saying good players shouldn't be rewarded, but too wide a gap is a glaring design flaw with negative consequences for the game. Why do you think players are so polarised around "game is too easy" on the one hand and "game is too hard" on the other? With the kind of gap we have between a good and even a mediocre player, it's basically impossible to design well-rounded content (not to mention the fact that ZOS still haven't learned after 5 years how to prevent boss burn and ignoring mechanics).
Git gut.
Why you even decided that there must be no gap? You just depreciating efforts that players put to get better results than others. Most stamina and magicka characters were already braindead in their rotations even before Scalebreaker. When dot meta hited the fan people just refused to play this stupidity. If you have any excuses that you haven't time/willing and etc to improve yourself - just don't make topics like this.
Nobody is saying good players shouldn't be rewarded, but too wide a gap is a glaring design flaw with negative consequences for the game. Why do you think players are so polarised around "game is too easy" on the one hand and "game is too hard" on the other? With the kind of gap we have between a good and even a mediocre player, it's basically impossible to design well-rounded content (not to mention the fact that ZOS still haven't learned after 5 years how to prevent boss burn and ignoring mechanics).
I think the OP is talking about PVP and missing that DOT carry. I know it was pretty insane early-pre prime time Kaal PC NA. 2 or 3 waves at Bleakers and I had 48 kills in 40 minutes. Didn't die until i was sitting there laughing as i ran down 1 and didn't pay attention to realize it was a good player that is known and not relying on a zerg of DOTs. I like that he stood out.
Truth be told, DOTs were not the best way before without numbers, but it's pretty ridiculous that purge spam was about the highest defensive priority.
Huh? Improving DPS by "weaving" stands and falls with the animation of the light attack being cancelled.Siohwenoeht wrote: »Weaving, which is slightly different than Ani cancelling, is simply adding a light attack while skills are on the global cool down.
Huh? Improving DPS by "weaving" stands and falls with the animation of the light attack being cancelled.Siohwenoeht wrote: »Weaving, which is slightly different than Ani cancelling, is simply adding a light attack while skills are on the global cool down.
Otherwise there would be no benefit in "weaving" a light attack when you could use an ability that does more damage than the light attack.
(pls correct me, if I'm totally mistaken here!)
To bring bottom and top closer together, animation cancelling should be nerfed.
e.g. by radically reducing light attack damage or by making "block" and "roll dodge" the only things that cancel an animation.
Or by moving the time where the actual damage of an attack or ability occurs way back, so the time between "damage" and "animation ends" (to use the next attack/ability) is reduced to a minimum.
ForzaRammer wrote: »Maybe in absolute term it does, but zos plz look at the ratio between top 5th percentile to median.
Think about it, top tier player light attack weave better and often time likely to get more spammable out.
As a result, LA and spammable is a bigger % of the total dps for top tier player.
At the same time, dot dmg is a bigger % of the dps for median player.
This nerf actually hit mediocre player harder than top tier player in terms of proportion.
I suppose the only ones not getting nerfed is the bottom 5-10%.
These ppl just spam snipe over and over without doing anything else.
Basically now ppl who actually try to improve are only slightly better than ppl who just want to be carried.
Make the dps distribution more balanced instead of left skewed.
TLDR, dot meta was great, should've nerfed direct dmg and light attack instead.
Git gut.
Why you even decided that there must be no gap? You just depreciating efforts that players put to get better results than others. Most stamina and magicka characters were already braindead in their rotations even before Scalebreaker. When dot meta hited the fan people just refused to play this stupidity. If you have any excuses that you haven't time/willing and etc to improve yourself - just don't make topics like this.
Nobody is saying good players shouldn't be rewarded, but too wide a gap is a glaring design flaw with negative consequences for the game. Why do you think players are so polarised around "game is too easy" on the one hand and "game is too hard" on the other? With the kind of gap we have between a good and even a mediocre player, it's basically impossible to design well-rounded content (not to mention the fact that ZOS still haven't learned after 5 years how to prevent boss burn and ignoring mechanics).
More DPS doesn't make you skip mechanics (for the most part), people fail in harder content because they don't respond to mechanics correctly.
You can't out DPS vScalecaller Peak or vDepths of Malatar.
Getting good doesn't mean getting more DPS it means getting better at the game in general. People have done vMOL HM when top DPS was like 30k.
ForzaRammer wrote: »Maybe in absolute term it does, but zos plz look at the ratio between top 5th percentile to median.
Think about it, top tier player light attack weave better and often time likely to get more spammable out.
As a result, LA and spammable is a bigger % of the total dps for top tier player.
At the same time, dot dmg is a bigger % of the dps for median player.
This nerf actually hit mediocre player harder than top tier player in terms of proportion.
I suppose the only ones not getting nerfed is the bottom 5-10%.
These ppl just spam snipe over and over without doing anything else.
Basically now ppl who actually try to improve are only slightly better than ppl who just want to be carried.
Make the dps distribution more balanced instead of left skewed.
TLDR, dot meta was great, should've nerfed direct dmg and light attack instead.
Rave the Histborn wrote: »ForzaRammer wrote: »Maybe in absolute term it does, but zos plz look at the ratio between top 5th percentile to median.
Think about it, top tier player light attack weave better and often time likely to get more spammable out.
As a result, LA and spammable is a bigger % of the total dps for top tier player.
At the same time, dot dmg is a bigger % of the dps for median player.
This nerf actually hit mediocre player harder than top tier player in terms of proportion.
I suppose the only ones not getting nerfed is the bottom 5-10%.
These ppl just spam snipe over and over without doing anything else.
Basically now ppl who actually try to improve are only slightly better than ppl who just want to be carried.
Make the dps distribution more balanced instead of left skewed.
TLDR, dot meta was great, should've nerfed direct dmg and light attack instead.
You're never going to be a better dps if dots do all the work and over perform and you dont learn to rotate.
Rave the Histborn wrote: »ForzaRammer wrote: »Maybe in absolute term it does, but zos plz look at the ratio between top 5th percentile to median.
Think about it, top tier player light attack weave better and often time likely to get more spammable out.
As a result, LA and spammable is a bigger % of the total dps for top tier player.
At the same time, dot dmg is a bigger % of the dps for median player.
This nerf actually hit mediocre player harder than top tier player in terms of proportion.
I suppose the only ones not getting nerfed is the bottom 5-10%.
These ppl just spam snipe over and over without doing anything else.
Basically now ppl who actually try to improve are only slightly better than ppl who just want to be carried.
Make the dps distribution more balanced instead of left skewed.
TLDR, dot meta was great, should've nerfed direct dmg and light attack instead.
You're never going to be a better dps if dots do all the work and over perform and you dont learn to rotate.
ForzaRammer wrote: »Maybe in absolute term it does, but zos plz look at the ratio between top 5th percentile to median.
Think about it, top tier player light attack weave better and often time likely to get more spammable out.
As a result, LA and spammable is a bigger % of the total dps for top tier player.
At the same time, dot dmg is a bigger % of the dps for median player.
This nerf actually hit mediocre player harder than top tier player in terms of proportion.
I suppose the only ones not getting nerfed is the bottom 5-10%.
These ppl just spam snipe over and over without doing anything else.
Basically now ppl who actually try to improve are only slightly better than ppl who just want to be carried.
Make the dps distribution more balanced instead of left skewed.
TLDR, dot meta was great, should've nerfed direct dmg and light attack instead.
So ur idea of getting better is for dots to be broken so u can press 3 buttons and get the same effectiveness with someone who can perform a flawless rotation with perfect weaves.
Yeah, I don't think that the word "improve" means what you think it means.
Git gut.
Why you even decided that there must be no gap? You just depreciating efforts that players put to get better results than others. Most stamina and magicka characters were already braindead in their rotations even before Scalebreaker. When dot meta hited the fan people just refused to play this stupidity. If you have any excuses that you haven't time/willing and etc to improve yourself - just don't make topics like this.
Nobody is saying good players shouldn't be rewarded, but too wide a gap is a glaring design flaw with negative consequences for the game. Why do you think players are so polarised around "game is too easy" on the one hand and "game is too hard" on the other? With the kind of gap we have between a good and even a mediocre player, it's basically impossible to design well-rounded content (not to mention the fact that ZOS still haven't learned after 5 years how to prevent boss burn and ignoring mechanics).
This is a point. And gamers always spread between "too easy" and "too hard" in most of games and most of cases. Thing is that end-game content here not really difficult, it's question about communicating and coordination in group. vCR+3 can be cleared with group of mediocre DDs who deal like 25-30k dps(in this trial, not at dummy ofc), but with good coordination. Point is that "gap" in dps not really matter at this game if you have good coordination and knowledge of mechanics. And than better you at dps than better you can beat hardest content, but it's not impossible to do with mediocre dps.
So what a point in playing without any class identity with dot meta where even worst players can do 5 front-5 back static rotation as mag DD and pull enough dps to clear any content(if they put some efforts to build up a good group coordination)? Where is reward for good players in this case?
The OP is correct in that this patch basically made end game accessible to a lot fewer players. Tgis will have a negative domino effect for end game players as the pool of people signing up for endgame content goes down, making groups harder to come by.
And those longer waits makes dungeon queues less attractive, which further decreases the amount of people in them.
The chief problem is the combat team because they;
A ) Are not very hard working.
I mean look at the combat changes this patch other then the blanket changes to dots and aoes, there is not a lot here. A redo of a two or three spells? This took them three months?
B ) They don’t really care.
During the eso live stream they literally said that the concerns of the common player is not their target. This change is directed at curbing endgame players dps and if the rest of the player base suffers, so what? That is the combat teams philosophy.
The real problem here was the addition of target dummies sure u can get a nice thick af dps score but in real content ur not gonna necessarily pull that dps number. Target dummies should merely be a practice tool to learn or perfect a rotation.
Another way to look at it is say ur hitting 50k plus but ur dying constantly ur 50k effectively becomes -50k as someone else typically another dd has to stop their rotation to come revive you. All content in this game is pretty much designed for a minimum of 35-40k dps. However their is achievement and score runs which pushes people to burn faster and skip mechanics perhaps the work around would be reward groups actually engage with boss mechanics for instance if no player fails to cleanse and dies on first boss in vMoL have some kind of new mechanic either removing the adds or open a burn window with the boss. On the twins if every player successfully completes conversion reward the group with a burn phase on bosses with no head colors until next prayer phase.
Mechanics should reward players who learn and successfully complete them.