Player sourced snares are now additive with movement speed, rather than multiplicative. This will reduce the overall effectiveness of snares in PvP scenarios.
So, I don't mind majority of the patch. The biggest thing I'm trying to get over is as a Stamplar nerfing jabs slow to 40% from 70% (On every hit now - I don't care that it was on last hit, it still always almost hit).
The reason I think that jabs slow nerf was bad is that any speed boost almost counters the slow. So, a 40% jabs is now negated by any speed boost, while the 70% would still be quite effective.
Using a skill like Hurricane you can't really rely on jabs as much because they can just kite out of your way.
Also, if you use major expedition, or minor with Unstoppable, now you can basically sprint around with Unstoppable again.
If you don't know speed buffs and slows are now additive, so if you have a 100 speed and get slowed by 30% you should be at around 70% movement? With Minor you're 10% of the total.
Meaning you should be 80%, however I think its not working as intended. Unstoppable for example you aren't really slowed at all, literally you're quite movable now.
So, when I jab someone they should be slowed 40% if they have minor thats ~10%? to that? So, they should be slowed 30%; however, currently on live its not that way... or so it seems?
TLDR, it could be a bug. Speed boost seems to effective to counter slows, or additive speed isn't working properly?Player sourced snares are now additive with movement speed, rather than multiplicative. This will reduce the overall effectiveness of snares in PvP scenarios.
Templar snares not good enough!?! Oooook.
Speed buffs should counter snares. It's one of the main reasons why magicka open world has been inferior to stamina solo open world for quite some time now (barring magicka sorc) (and yes I know RaT exists but it's only 2 seconds of snare immunity vs 4 from FM and 5 from shuffle).
It's one of the few good things this patch has actually done for the game. People can finally move properly again (mostly magicka) and not every single build in existence will need to rely on snare immunity anymore in order to move.
This is how it used to work - multiplicative between buffs (which are additive with each other) and snares.Assuming normal movement is 100.00
You apply 40% which drops them to 60.00
They apply minor that adds 10% so that should boost them to 66.00, right?
This is how it should be now - all additive.I think ZOS is doing it the other way, not applying on speed after snare, but speed before and then the snare affect happens.
Example, 100 * 40% = 60.00, +10% = 70.00
MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
llElLoboll wrote: »I tested quick cloak yesterday to see if the major expedition would counter a 30% snare and it didn't. I could just be misunderstanding the snare vs movement speed change but I don't think snares are working properly right now.
MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
So, I think the additive speed is always off the base (eg 100) instead of current. So slow should be applied to current just as speed boost.
So if you're 40% slowed off 100 that should drop you to 60 speed.
But because movement speed boost is also based off base you go down to 90 instead of 78.
So, additive should be based off of current and not base.
Current would be
Base is
You also have the issue where speed is always priority over a slow, so speed is always based off base and not current.
MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
JonnytheKing wrote: »MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
lol you have no idea
JonnytheKing wrote: »MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
lol you have no idea
I mean I do? Lol useless comment to the topic.
An additive should be applied to current, not base. Especially in games.
As it's implied it's a percentage, so it should calculate first applied so for example:
40% snare would mean 40 off 100
Your current speed is 60, you then add a speed boost which is 30% of CURRENT. That means 30% of 60 is 18
However say the speed boost was used first that's off BASE. 100+30=130, now a 40% snare is applied off the current 130 - 52 =78.
So no matter what the snare should be additive properly off the current and not base. Doing it off the base completely nullifies all snares in the game because you'd be doing almost no slow, this is a case where you'd apply unstoppable, well now you're just a movable tank because you used a 30% move speed buff.
When I programmed games I never did off base, I did off current. That's how I got multiple buffs / debuffs to have a proper feel to them. For example, a 30% movement and a 50% movement stacked, BASE+30% = newBase + 50%, or whatever order it was applied in.
This just allows for better feel of the game. It means you need to build for diverse. But now you can be super mobile, int he patch of tanks, it's the patch of speedy tanks?
I get what you're saying, it's now always based off current, but for gameplay that just removed IMO a skill level of being able to free from snares.
@ZOS_Gilliam could you confirm?
// Multiplicative: 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.6 = 1.3 * 0.6 = 0.78 // Additive: 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.4 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9
// 40% snare on both tests // Multiplicative: // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 * 1.0 * 0.4 = 1.0 * 0.4 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.4 = 1.3 * 0.4 = 0.52 // Move speed is reduced by 52% // Additive: // Since this is additive, we're going to need to calculate // the move speed reduction a bit differently. // What we'll do is take the resulting move speed, and subtract // it from the move speed after bonuses, ie Major Exped, have been applied. // This will give us just the reduction. // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 + 0.0 - 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.4 = 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.6 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.6 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9 = 1.3 - 0.9 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40%
JonnytheKing wrote: »MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
lol you have no idea
I mean I do? Lol useless comment to the topic.
An additive should be applied to current, not base. Especially in games.
As it's implied it's a percentage, so it should calculate first applied so for example:
40% snare would mean 40 off 100
Your current speed is 60, you then add a speed boost which is 30% of CURRENT. That means 30% of 60 is 18
However say the speed boost was used first that's off BASE. 100+30=130, now a 40% snare is applied off the current 130 - 52 =78.
So no matter what the snare should be additive properly off the current and not base. Doing it off the base completely nullifies all snares in the game because you'd be doing almost no slow, this is a case where you'd apply unstoppable, well now you're just a movable tank because you used a 30% move speed buff.
When I programmed games I never did off base, I did off current. That's how I got multiple buffs / debuffs to have a proper feel to them. For example, a 30% movement and a 50% movement stacked, BASE+30% = newBase + 50%, or whatever order it was applied in.
This just allows for better feel of the game. It means you need to build for diverse. But now you can be super mobile, int he patch of tanks, it's the patch of speedy tanks?
I get what you're saying, it's now always based off current, but for gameplay that just removed IMO a skill level of being able to free from snares.
@ZOS_Gilliam could you confirm?
As @ExistingRug61 said, you've got it backwards. Additive is just a summation, it's just the addition of all terms together, where subtractions are just the additions of negatives (ie `1.0 - 0.5 == 1.0 + -0.5`). Multiplicative cares about subsequent operations, while additive doesn't, ie:// Multiplicative: 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.6 = 1.3 * 0.6 = 0.78 // Additive: 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.4 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9
Under a multiplicative approach, builds that stacked higher move speed where hit disproportionately harder by snares, while under an additive approach, both are hit by the exact same amount, ie:// 40% snare on both tests // Multiplicative: // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 * 1.0 * 0.4 = 1.0 * 0.4 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.4 = 1.3 * 0.4 = 0.52 // Move speed is reduced by 52% // Additive: // Since this is additive, we're going to need to calculate // the move speed reduction a bit differently. // What we'll do is take the resulting move speed, and subtract // it from the move speed after bonuses, ie Major Exped, have been applied. // This will give us just the reduction. // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 + 0.0 - 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.4 = 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.6 = 0. // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.6 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9 = 1.3 - 0.9 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40%
As you can see, both approaches give the same reduction at base move speed, but two different reductions when Major Expedition is present. Specifically, multiplicative seemingly adds an additional 12% reduction out of nowhere, due to how the calculation actually works. This difference will get larger as move speed is increased, and should be doubled at the speed cap.
With the additive approach, snares are now weaker against builds stacking move speed, but, IMO, they're more balanced. Just because I'm stacking move speed, your snare shouldn't suddenly go from 40% to 52% or higher, for seemingly no reason, other than just math shenanigans. So, IMO, the new approach is better for balance, and is also a little easier on the servers, as additions/subtractions are typically faster than multiplications.
I have heard different things regarding how snares are actually performing, though. In this thread, you're saying that snares seem considerably weaker to you, while I'm hearing that they're considerably stronger from other people. So, I'd just chalk it up to snares being broken, and I'd be crossing my fingers for a fix in a timely manner.
JonnytheKing wrote: »MentalxHammer wrote: »Lmao the only kid on the internet angry about a slight jabs nerf....
Nah, the worst spammable in the game carried by 3 different passives to be good and everyone hates it?
You should play Templar and see how bad jabs really is, but the topic isn't just about jabs I wish you had the ability to read everything including comments before jumping to conclusions.
lol you have no idea
I mean I do? Lol useless comment to the topic.
An additive should be applied to current, not base. Especially in games.
As it's implied it's a percentage, so it should calculate first applied so for example:
40% snare would mean 40 off 100
Your current speed is 60, you then add a speed boost which is 30% of CURRENT. That means 30% of 60 is 18
However say the speed boost was used first that's off BASE. 100+30=130, now a 40% snare is applied off the current 130 - 52 =78.
So no matter what the snare should be additive properly off the current and not base. Doing it off the base completely nullifies all snares in the game because you'd be doing almost no slow, this is a case where you'd apply unstoppable, well now you're just a movable tank because you used a 30% move speed buff.
When I programmed games I never did off base, I did off current. That's how I got multiple buffs / debuffs to have a proper feel to them. For example, a 30% movement and a 50% movement stacked, BASE+30% = newBase + 50%, or whatever order it was applied in.
This just allows for better feel of the game. It means you need to build for diverse. But now you can be super mobile, int he patch of tanks, it's the patch of speedy tanks?
I get what you're saying, it's now always based off current, but for gameplay that just removed IMO a skill level of being able to free from snares.
@ZOS_Gilliam could you confirm?
As @ExistingRug61 said, you've got it backwards. Additive is just a summation, it's just the addition of all terms together, where subtractions are just the additions of negatives (ie `1.0 - 0.5 == 1.0 + -0.5`). Multiplicative cares about subsequent operations, while additive doesn't, ie:// Multiplicative: 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.6 = 1.3 * 0.6 = 0.78 // Additive: 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.4 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9
Under a multiplicative approach, builds that stacked higher move speed where hit disproportionately harder by snares, while under an additive approach, both are hit by the exact same amount, ie:// 40% snare on both tests // Multiplicative: // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 * 1.0 * 0.4 = 1.0 * 0.4 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 * 1.3 * 0.4 = 1.3 * 0.4 = 0.52 // Move speed is reduced by 52% // Additive: // Since this is additive, we're going to need to calculate // the move speed reduction a bit differently. // What we'll do is take the resulting move speed, and subtract // it from the move speed after bonuses, ie Major Exped, have been applied. // This will give us just the reduction. // Base Move Speed (100%): 1.0 + 0.0 - 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.4 = 0.6 = 1.0 - 0.6 = 0. // Move speed is reduced by 40% // Major Exped (130%): 1.0 + 0.3 - 0.6 = 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9 = 1.3 - 0.9 = 0.4 // Move speed is reduced by 40%
As you can see, both approaches give the same reduction at base move speed, but two different reductions when Major Expedition is present. Specifically, multiplicative seemingly adds an additional 12% reduction out of nowhere, due to how the calculation actually works. This difference will get larger as move speed is increased, and should be doubled at the speed cap.
With the additive approach, snares are now weaker against builds stacking move speed, but, IMO, they're more balanced. Just because I'm stacking move speed, your snare shouldn't suddenly go from 40% to 52% or higher, for seemingly no reason, other than just math shenanigans. So, IMO, the new approach is better for balance, and is also a little easier on the servers, as additions/subtractions are typically faster than multiplications.
I have heard different things regarding how snares are actually performing, though. In this thread, you're saying that snares seem considerably weaker to you, while I'm hearing that they're considerably stronger from other people. So, I'd just chalk it up to snares being broken, and I'd be crossing my fingers for a fix in a timely manner.
Snares don't stack, movement speed does. So under what you said I'll be taking a break from this game, sadly I thought ESO design finally was going in a good direction but this patch in itself is a joke.
The fact that I can apply 30% and 40% snare and it's countered by one speed boost already was a turn away. I didn't wanna believe ESO did the dumbest approach possible.
So, snares and DOTs are dead.