@Woeler and I finally finished our housing website
https://eso-housing.com/ and already implemented a lot of the feedback we gathered through discords and reddit from ESO players.
List of ALL housing items
Achievement Furniture
Vendor List (with NPC, Location & Items)
Luxury Furnisher List (Current & Past items)
Advanced Search
Housing Guide

A lot of the items list how you can obtain it and also show an image. If they have an achievement attached to it, it is also shown.

Uploading Images & Locations
If you want you can also help make the items more complete and help upload images and locations.

Work in progress:
We are stiill working on implementing the home list with an option where people can upload their youtube videos with their homes.
If you have any other suggestions or things you would like to see, please let us know thanks!
https://alcasthq.com -
Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
https://eso-hub.com -
ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot