Alienoutlaw wrote: »penetration, Pressure and burst, use a stamina drain to reduce their resource pool, use a CC that cant be blocked use DOT's to so they take damage while blocking, light Attacks............not sure what else to suggest Turtles can be killed just takes time
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »Alienoutlaw wrote: »penetration, Pressure and burst, use a stamina drain to reduce their resource pool, use a CC that cant be blocked use DOT's to so they take damage while blocking, light Attacks............not sure what else to suggest Turtles can be killed just takes time
That’s what I do. The issue is he had insane sustain and healing. So I couldn’t just outlast him.
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »Ok how do I deal with turtles.
Yesterday I duelled a medium armorers stamden. I have good damage (I’m using grimhollows pvp stamblade) I usually melt people. Now this player basically just held block the moment I went offensive.
Yes, I stun them but they just go straight back to blocking.
I can’t kill them through block if they have the sustain and healing of medium armour.
Eventually I died to dswing and sun assault combos (the game was a little laggy so the dswings hit me even when I was behind him lol)
Any advice?