"Auto" grouping for capture quests.

Lets say that you got a quest to capture Drakelowe Keep. You are alone. You won't capture that keep alone. You join a group and run with it. But even if you share your quest and ask to capture Drakelowe Keep together, your group of randoms won't go there. Most of the time they will just join battle at the main hotzones. You are going to have some fun even if you ignore the quest.

Here is the problem in this: capture quests are supposed to spread people around Cyrodiil to decrease lag. Currently they don't work, because most people do them by the way.

The solution:
Add an option to activity finder to group up with other people who got the same capture quest. Also add a small timer to activate the quest so that some people from your group won't steal your capture. Also add a system that gives those quests dynamically by taking into consideration density of players in all Cyrodill cells. This system would assign capture quests in a way that would spread population.

Current workarounds:
1. Take a capture quest, activate your autoinvite and post on chat that you have formed a "Capture Quests Group". Sadly no one does that so we could use a systemic solution.
2. Go to Cyrodiil with a guild group and convince your leader to do only capture quests.

"Auto" grouping for capture quests. 4 votes

Good idea. Why don't we have this already?
Sanct16Ash_In_My_SujammaZer0_CooL 3 votes
Nope, that won't work, because... (type your thought why this won't work).
TriangularChicken 1 vote
Other (type in comment)
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    Good idea. Why don't we have this already?
    Amazing idea. But you gotta be more bold. Why stop there? Here are some more things you could add as well.
    So, your group is formed to capture Drakelow. Imidiately, a marker appears on your map showing the location of the keep along with the fastest route your group can take. All group members will automatically stock with the recomended amount and type of sieges by simply interracting with the siege merchant so that no time is wasted. The group then will start a ready check and as soon as everyone accepts, autowalk will be activated and your group will move on its own outside Drakelow. Then an info window will appear on your screen, presenting the 3 best locations from where you can start sieging and a vote will be initiated to decide on which one to choose.
    At this point some legwork must be done and players must place their own sieges themselves. Inconvenient, I know, but hey technology has its limits.
    But anyway, after you succesfully capture the keep, the quest will be automatically delivered and you will be rewarded with your rightfully earned prize of ap + a container with a random tier set piece. WOW!
    Quality of Life brothers! Quality of Life!
  • TriangularChicken
    Nope, that won't work, because... (type your thought why this won't work).
    I'd rather have a different system that makes them zerglings spread without grouping them all together, there are already enough 24/24 zergs in cyro.
    ..but a +1 for the effort of trying to make cyro a better place.
  • InvictusApollo
    I'd rather have a different system that makes them zerglings spread without grouping them all together, there are already enough 24/24 zergs in cyro.
    ..but a +1 for the effort of trying to make cyro a better place.

    Hmmm. The system could form smaller groups. And even make opposing groups meet. One side gets a quest: "Capture Drakelowe Keep" and another: "Defend Drakelowe Keep". Ofcourse with different timers so that even if defending team warns their entire alliance, there won't be a huge army waiting for attackers.
  • VaranisArano
    It's an interesting thought, to make fighting in Cyrodiil more focused on "I'm going to do this quest, who's with me?!"
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