Transmute Crystal uses

I’ve got to the point where I can’t hold any more crystals on any characters. What else can I do with them? Can I transmute good weapons with trash traits to sell or would I need to destroy any more crystals?
  • Zer0_CooL
    Craft iron dagger, tansmute it to nirnhoned, deconstruct, get nincrux, sell nirncrux for 20k
  • Vildebill
    You can transmute weapons to nirhoned, deconstruct them and hope for a potent nircrux and sell it.
    EU PC
  • FierceSam
    Nope. Transmuted stuff is bound.

    You could try transmuting stuff to be nirnhoned, deconstructing it and hopefully getting nirncrux mats to sell. Unless that route has been closed (Idk)

    Otherwise you are really limited to changing the traits on the gear you have. And, yes, the trait does make a big difference in your effectiveness.

    And if you don’t want/need to do that you don’t really need transmute crystals.
  • Ysbriel
    I think they should uncap the transmutation crystals and make a new recipe that also uses the transmutation crystal but still make it that it cannot be traded in any way. Clockwork Mineral Water and it gives you 5k spell and physical resistance plus 450 stam, mag and health recovery.
  • Att1Tude
    Play PvP, theorycraft and find out you never have enough transmute crystals
    How-Much-Is-The-Fish Stamsorc
    A Friend Of Nature Magwarden
  • InvictusApollo
    Att1Tude wrote: »
    Play PvP, theorycraft and find out you never have enough transmute crystals

    This is so true. Every time I see someone complaining on abundance of transmute crystals, I immediately wanna shout: "send them to me!". Sadly they are no transferrable.
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