I get that ESO is trying to come up with a new event. It's cool. I even hopped in and killed my first dragon yesterday. However, the description is still not clear. I'm reading that after 3 dragons are dead the XP bonus is unlocked. However, many are saying its only after the other 3 get to 100%. You know the other 3 that share a % bar and are separated by a line across the web page as if it is a different item. If it isn't until after (if) the 100% pathfinder is reached then it needs to state that. Even the Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/elderscrollsonline/ says "Each creature felled will also help unlock the XP buff reward during the #DragonRise event – what more reason do you need to start hunting Dragons?". It clearly states that after 3 dragons are dead then the XP buff is applied. I saw 3 dragons die in less than 10 minutes. On a side note, the 3 dragon things just seems low, like why even bother low.