it was soo tough cos of lag and disconnects. yeah we had to reset after every disconnect- or lag out- which always would cause a death. majority of our runs were spoilt by somoene having lag difficulties- and then there were the bugs itself- the arena has so many memory leaks and issues that make it so much harder....
we learned to reload ui after every attempt, restart game after every 3 or so, and comptuer itself after every 5. took ages. but well worth it in the end.
good luck to you!
both- dc's would almost always cause a death- even if the person didnt die- theyd still penalise it as a death.
and even if it didnt cause a death- it would have likely ruined the time . even though we could have done it comfortably under 34 mins at our peak- we decided to jus play it safe srtat wise (eg not burning every boss) to make the achieve. so a disconnect would have spoilt that.
just as often as the disconnects were the pauses- where everything pauses- then catches up again in super speed. we developed a strategy for when that happened- to just stack and stack vigors to try and heal the person thru it until the "caught up"
cnt recommend exit lag enough- if u have 330 ping like me- it ll bring it to 280 . some have gotten 230!. it s not much load process wise on ur computer and is free to try.
both- dc's would almost always cause a death- even if the person didnt die- theyd still penalise it as a death.
and even if it didnt cause a death- it would have likely ruined the time . even though we could have done it comfortably under 34 mins at our peak- we decided to jus play it safe srtat wise (eg not burning every boss) to make the achieve. so a disconnect would have spoilt that.
just as often as the disconnects were the pauses- where everything pauses- then catches up again in super speed. we developed a strategy for when that happened- to just stack and stack vigors to try and heal the person thru it until the "caught up"cnt recommend exit lag enough- if u have 330 ping like me- it ll bring it to 280 . some have gotten 230!. it s not much load process wise on ur computer and is free to try.
I see, thank you for answering. Me restarting definitely wouldn't cause a death as I would do it between arenas, but the time it takes would obviously be a concern. Would consider having the group start the next arena without me, but obviously missing a person would make it a rough start. But yeah if the game still penalized it as death, the whole thing is moot anyway. xD
I may give the free try a shot, but do far there hasn't been anything (outside of GPU-Z) I can run while playing ESO. But we shall see! I can definitely handle 5 frames + 500 latency; below that is where it starts getting rough.