Don't you have enough of them?
People who can't fathom how to counter anything so they call to nerf everything that ever touched them.
People who don't even bother to ask how to counter the thing that they have difficulties against.
People who are like John Snow in the field of theorycrafting and call for nerf of every dilligently theorycrafted build.
People who are ingorant to mechanics.
People who allways consider themselves to be "skilled" or even "great" at PvP but fail to counter anything that would pose even a miniscule challenge.
People who feel priviledged to allwyas win in PvP.
People who are incapable to accept that some builds counter other builds like a rock counters scissors.
People who whine and cry instead of think and adapt.
The Nerflings!
The bane of our forum.
The source of most nerfs.
The destroyers of fun.
Those who take away our gamestyles.
I have enough of them. Every day there is another nerf thread. I wouldn't mind if they were comprehensive, well thought, backed by math, meticulous arguments about skills/sets/mechanics that are proven to be almost impossible to counter. But they are not.
To name the few calls for nerf:
- Zaan - a set that is usefull only if your enemy is a training dummy.
- Mistform - a skill that merely prolongs your agony unless your enemies are incapable to predict your route.
- Status effects procced by Elemental Weapon - source of such miniscule damage that any HOT laughs at it.
- Jumping - yes, jumping! Because targeting is too hard in a game that literally has Soldier's 76 aimbot.
That is why I issue my first ever call for nerf!
For Nerflings!
Either make it so that every person has only one call for nerf and gets permabanned on forums after the second one or issue a 72h ban after every call for nerf.
I know that the first one is too harsh and may impede the process of real balancing.
But the second would at least make the thread author think two times before posting a call for nerf. Since he/she wouldn't be able to answer any comments in his/her thread, he/she would be forced to anticipate any counter arguments and write a comprehensive post.
Call it bashing/baiting/shaming/trolling or whatever you want. Ban me for 72 hours or even forever from forums. But this has to stop! Nerflings have to be nerfed in one way or another.