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NoldoBot - Discord Bot to arrange Trials

  • Bastekk
    @Noldornir I have this problem too ;(
  • Noldornir
    Can you guys let me know how many trials are open in your server (the amount of messages posted by the bot) when this happens?

    I cannot reproduce this error on mine but always have 1 max 2 bot trial message (I clean channels frequently via !purgechat)

    Recently discord changed its API so issue might be related.

    Also a date and time about when this happens would help a lot in debugging.

    And again: is the bot NOT editing the message BUT posting (playername is joining as...) Or is it just ignoring the reaction?

    Thanks in advance for replies
  • Scritchel

    Same thing happened last night at 9pm pst and just now when I tested (5pst). We only have 1 sign up sheet max.

    It just doesn't edit the message, but indicates that the player is joining by posting the joining message.
  • Scritchel
    Panini's photo on page 1 is what it looks like.
  • GodLeSsCapTive
    Soul Shriven
    @Noldornir there is no trial roster on any channel at all. I cleared all, when someone tries to join a raid, bot says 'use is joining' and reactions works perfectly. But the roster itself is not updating the player that just signed up to related spot.
  • GodLeSsCapTive
    Soul Shriven
    I can also record a video and send it to you if you want @Noldornir
  • Noldornir
    I think I managed to track down the error and fix it, could you plz let me know if it's happening again? Thanks for feedback
  • GodLeSsCapTive
    Soul Shriven
    Man that works perfectly thank you @Noldornir
  • GodLeSsCapTive
    Soul Shriven
    Btw isnthere a reserve spot for the trials in a roster ?
  • Noldornir
    No @GodLeSsCapTive technically speaking reserve is rly messy to handle, I'd think about reserves many times but never got quite the idea (one that would work just fine) on how to implement those.

    problem with a "Reserve" is that he/she is either:
    1. A person that doesn't know if can be there.
    2. A person that would like to be in but the roster is full already.

    If it's 1 this is an automated function and the bot reserves places in a LIMITED roster so if I dunno if I can be there I should not sign in at all (signing in is "promising" I'll be there, until I know I should not bother you at all with a "maybe").

    If it's 2 then it would have a point so if that any other player (with the same role) sign out the bot could take from reserves and put them in roster but this becomes very messy to handle (for the bot). Since the bot also gives sign off messages usually what I see happening is ppl sign in very fast if they want to join a said trial as soon as they realize someone left. They also type +reserve or something like this when they would like to Join but roster is full; what I normally do is putting them in myself as soon as someone else leaves the spot (try to sign twice in a trial you'll know what i mean)
  • GodLeSsCapTive
    Soul Shriven
    Yes sir sorry fir my late reply and thanks fir detailed comment. Very helpful 🤗😊
  • Borbox
    This bot is great but I am having issues making a VCR roster with three tanks. Is there a way to change the default two that it populates using the !maketrial VCR command?
  • Noldornir

    That's normal mate

    VCR (+0) is registered into the bot with 2 tanks
    VCR +1/2/3 (or VCR HM) are registered into the bot with 3 tanks

    VCR wants three tanks for mini boss purposes only with no mini it's actually better with 2 tanks that alternates on zmaja-portal.

    If for some reason like progress ends you want to go with three tanks you'll have to ask one to register differently like stamdd
  • Borbox
    Noldornir wrote: »

    That's normal mate

    VCR (+0) is registered into the bot with 2 tanks
    VCR +1/2/3 (or VCR HM) are registered into the bot with 3 tanks

    VCR wants three tanks for mini boss purposes only with no mini it's actually better with 2 tanks that alternates on zmaja-portal.

    If for some reason like progress ends you want to go with three tanks you'll have to ask one to register differently like stamdd

    Any chance for groups to roster 3 tanks for groups that need them on +0? I realize you can just use the other templates but can I change the name after it is up to reflect a +0?
  • Butter_Cupcake
    Soul Shriven
    We started using the bot and noticed a couple of problems. The user will click the reaction to join the roster and it will not add them. They will click again and sometimes it will add them, but many times it will give them a message that that role is not longer available. Then half of the reactions disappear. I have tried to !recache but it does nothing. I end up having to delete the roster and start over. I would like to see an add and remove command.
    Also noticed that the !kick function is saying the user resisted the flame and is not being removed.
  • Noldornir
    Kick is tied to discord permission on channel, make sure both you and the bot have permission to kick ppl plz.

    The add/remove function is there already.

    You can add just by signing in yourself multiple times then tagging the player you wish to add.

    As for removing the trial leader can via the tools reaction edit roster option (bit will pm him).

    Recache was an old command addressed to quick fix an old and different issue but is no longer necessary since many releases by now.

    What appears to happen in your case is ppl signing up real real fast in roster, if this happens the roster update might fail but it's sufficient to sign in another time to fix the issue usually. If the role gets stuck during this you can use the edit roster option to kick the stuck role (even if it appears empty) dialing the corresponding number after sending tool reaction, assuming you are the raid leader of course.

    This action will completely clear any line from any kind of issue related to fast sign ins.

    A similiar issue might happen if a person joins in and out several times in a short amount of time. Suggested fix for this is bring someone else in the trial cause if someone can't interact with a bot property it will be hard for him/her to follow much more complex mechs. :lol:
  • Noldornir
    Borbox wrote: »
    Noldornir wrote: »

    That's normal mate

    VCR (+0) is registered into the bot with 2 tanks
    VCR +1/2/3 (or VCR HM) are registered into the bot with 3 tanks

    VCR wants three tanks for mini boss purposes only with no mini it's actually better with 2 tanks that alternates on zmaja-portal.

    If for some reason like progress ends you want to go with three tanks you'll have to ask one to register differently like stamdd

    Any chance for groups to roster 3 tanks for groups that need them on +0? I realize you can just use the other templates but can I change the name after it is up to reflect a +0?

    Not on trial name,

    use maketrial to pull a +1/2/HM and then specify with -i option it's just +0 (or type it manually after trial message) or just tell one tank sign in as DD.

    But really you just wasting one spot hence making the trial harder than intended, one tank will do nothing for 70% time (one is up with boss, other is in portal and the third is doing nothing).

    In VCR+0 after the portal closes, the off tank (coming back from portal) get the aggro of spider and other adds while main is with zmaja, the group nuke adds quick then off tank take zmaja while main tank gets ready for the next portal phase.

    The bot as any automated solution can't use non standard roster and can only produce standardized "products".
  • SaintX

    Your bot is right on the point, easy, no added frills and whistles, which I really like and appreciate. <3

    Sadly, it does have one fatal flaw in my particular case... namely, usage of "everyone" tag.

    Although, it is by far the preferred solution for any ESO only discord servers, it can be a bit of an adventure using
    it on servers with multiple game communities ....

    Enduring the wrath of 500+ non ESO villagers equipped with pitchforks, knives and too many torches and...
    and armed to the teeth.... with smug burns is a bit of a deterrent for using the bot in some servers. B)

    Would it be possible to add a command to replace everyone with a desired discord server role?
    (preferably and would be extremely useful with more than one role)

  • Noldornir
    SaintX wrote: »

    Your bot is right on the point, easy, no added frills and whistles, which I really like and appreciate. <3

    Sadly, it does have one fatal flaw in my particular case... namely, usage of "everyone" tag.

    Although, it is by far the preferred solution for any ESO only discord servers, it can be a bit of an adventure using
    it on servers with multiple game communities ....

    Enduring the wrath of 500+ non ESO villagers equipped with pitchforks, knives and too many torches and...
    and armed to the teeth.... with smug burns is a bit of a deterrent for using the bot in some servers. B)

    Would it be possible to add a command to replace everyone with a desired discord server role?
    (preferably and would be extremely useful with more than one role)


    Unfortunately no, the tag "everyone" in the beginning is part of what the bot uses to check if the posted message is a trial or not, could change it with any other word but not a variable one and the bot does want to warn ppl.

    If this would be a wide issue I could think of a solution but in this case the solution lies within Discord itself; here how you can do:
    • Create one or more Specific channels made specifically for ESO trials
    • Only post trial with bot in this channel
    • Tell non-intrested ppl to disable notification or silence said channels (discord allows to mute/customize notification for specific channels only) if they are bothered by notifications

    The above options can be set on a category basis too so you could also make an ESO TRIAL category with as many channels as you like inside and the non-intrested users would just have to mute/disable notification (including mentions) from this category
  • Scritchel

    Is there any way to not have the bot post a message every time someone joins/leave? :)
  • Noldornir

    Already asked This and this are the reason why it posts

  • Ankaridan
    !purgechat is erasing all the commentary and notifications AND is completely erasing the entire trial roster. Is this intended? Or is there a way to wipe the chat logs but keep the pinned trial, like a soft purge?

    Also noticing, for example, if both healers sign up, then both healers release, the ambulance reaction vanishes. It can be manually selected from the reactions page but for the average user I have a low degree of faith in their ability to comprehend this - instead I am informed that healers are blocked from signing up.

    Any progress on 4 man scheduling?

  • Noldornir
    Ankaridan wrote: »
    !purgechat is erasing all the commentary and notifications AND is completely erasing the entire trial roster. Is this intended? Or is there a way to wipe the chat logs but keep the pinned trial, like a soft purge?

    It's intended. The command should be issued AFTER the trial has happened (or been canceled). to wipe everything
    Ankaridan wrote: »
    Also noticing, for example, if both healers sign up, then both healers release, the ambulance reaction vanishes. It can be manually selected from the reactions page but for the average user I have a low degree of faith in their ability to comprehend this - instead I am informed that healers are blocked from signing up.

    This can happen most likely not from the healers just signing out. How many buttons have they pressed? Reactions can go real wild if ppl stress them out too much by adding several in a short amount of time.
    About your faith in users it's something we share but i say: if one can't use a Discord Bot he prly can't handle a Trial Mech which is way harder.

    Also why ppl should sign in-out multiple times? That's not how a person joining a raid should behave.

    90% Times a person should interact with bot once per trial
    10% 2-3 Times (2 if he sign out or 3 if he swap role)
    Ankaridan wrote: »
    Any progress on 4 man scheduling?

    Actually no, I had the intention of adding it but had much to do in other parts of the bot so quite forgot about it :s
  • Ankaridan
    Noldornir wrote: »
    How many buttons have they pressed? Reactions can go real wild if ppl stress them out too much by adding several in a short amount of time.

    Valid. I had just introduced Noldobot as an experiment to a trial group, so in fairness there was a lot of playing around and button-pressing as various trial members were having fun seeing all the gifs, etc. Probably not an issue one would encounter on a regular basis.
    Noldornir wrote: »
    Actually no, I had the intention of adding it but had much to do in other parts of the bot so quite forgot about it :s

    I actually stumbled across this while looking for something to handle 4 mans for an achievement-hunting guild- of which there is nothing. I certainly think it's the most promising.

    As an additional question - I'm not sure how I would envision this actually working, but in theory, could a trial be setup that allows for selective roster-ing vs 1st come, 1st serve? I.e. signups go into a pool of interest, and crown assigns based on that available pool? Obviously would be a massive undertaking on the code side as it's branching in an entirely different direction, just wondering if that functionally is even remotely feasible.
  • Noldornir
    Ankaridan wrote: »

    As an additional question - I'm not sure how I would envision this actually working, but in theory, could a trial be setup that allows for selective roster-ing vs 1st come, 1st serve? I.e. signups go into a pool of interest, and crown assigns based on that available pool? Obviously would be a massive undertaking on the code side as it's branching in an entirely different direction, just wondering if that functionally is even remotely feasible.

    ...sounds intresting...

    NGL dunno if and when i'll be able to implement such a thing but actually sounds like an improvement even tho it needs some adjusting but yo answer you straightforward it does sound doable.

    This is rly rly intresting TYVM for the idea
  • borbely2413
    Soul Shriven
    Hello @Noldornir

    Thank you so much for creating this amazing bot. Our guild switched to it a few weeks ago but we are having an issue that I am hoping you might be able to help out with. When the trials are being made some users in the discord will click/press a reaction and their names won’t appear on the trial, but when you hover or long press the reaction you can see their name. When they click/press the reaction they are also not getting a message from noldobot saying they are signing up as “x” role. See picture for details. Any assistance with this would be great. We tried making a single channel for a single trial and it still happened. 02amcaa1egfq.png
    Edited by borbely2413 on January 1, 2021 7:57PM
  • Noldornir
    Hello @Noldornir

    Thank you so much for creating this amazing bot. Our guild switched to it a few weeks ago but we are having an issue that I am hoping you might be able to help out with. When the trials are being made some users in the discord will click/press a reaction and their names won’t appear on the trial, but when you hover or long press the reaction you can see their name. When they click/press the reaction they are also not getting a message from noldobot saying they are signing up as “x” role. See picture for details. Any assistance with this would be great. We tried making a single channel for a single trial and it still happened. 02amcaa1egfq.png

    Looks like a standard "missed reaction" issue, bots MIGHT not be able ro detect a reactions for a wide set of reasons like:

    1- Bot currently down (check if he's online or not).

    2- Bot online but discord-side issues (whenever you see discord lagging and being slow when sending/receiving messages) it's pretty easy to get a missed reaction detection.

    3- Channel related bug in a couple occasions channels "bugs" and stop working properly, in these cases i'd advise !purgechat cataclysm channel to clone it and reset any issue it might has (messages will be lost after sending this command)

    in most cases (like 1-2) the problem will fix alone in time, the person who has signed in but has been skipped by the bot just need to remove/reapply the reaction (after the issue has been solved)

    In some other circumstance some username might *** the bot a lot, especially when they use odd chars in their nickname, but this doesn't look to be your case as the user is using a perfectly fine name
  • Noldornir
    Added a function to quickly link a timer i made up timer for VAS HM via


    Since recently most other timer's sounds stopped working on most recent browsers i made this with working ones, hope you'll find it handy.
  • Robin_the_Noble

    Hello friend! I love the bot, we're currently on the process of switching to it as a guild!

    I wanted to know if you have made any progress on reserve/backup sign ups? It'd help amazingly since we're often times getting around 15-20 sign ups for our training runs :3 Keep up the great work!
  • Noldornir

    Hello friend! I love the bot, we're currently on the process of switching to it as a guild!

    I wanted to know if you have made any progress on reserve/backup sign ups? It'd help amazingly since we're often times getting around 15-20 sign ups for our training runs :3 Keep up the great work!

    Hello mate and thanks for your words.

    Discord is going to release a big update about bots during this year. As soon as released I'm going to implement it as the update will allow bots to have proper interfaces (no more annoying commands via text and hence much more options that would be too complex for users to actually use).

    Posting/editing a trial will be a total different experience as it will be more like filling a form than using a lot of text and this will allow me to use buttons and such to handle many things (classes, reserves etc.) In an efficient way.

    Unfortunately I can't tell when this will happen as discord hasn't yet announced the date of the update only the year
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