Does anybody miss these style sets? I think it was pre Summerset but I could be wrong. I liked the whole diversity and responsibility you had in end game raiding i.e if you were X stam class you needed these sets to buff the group etc. Also the need for a stam templar for potl. I see they are kinda going back to this with the PTS changes to stonefist and engulfing flames.
Nowadays its just all stam in rele + loki and mag in siroria + mothersorrow, everything feels too cookie cutter. Master architect and war machine feel a lot more redundant also with loki and more stams in trials other than vCR and vSS.
Just a discussion that came up amongst my core team recently, anybody else wish sets like these came back?
Edit: to avoid confusion I mean add more sets like sunderflame back into the game
Edited by Dogzey on October 2, 2019 10:59AM PS4 EU [810CP] - (Clairvoyance)
PvE High Elf Mag DK - Irelia Dragneel (Voice of Reason) (Dro-m'Athra Destroyer)
PvE Orc Stam DK - Minato Uzamaki
PvE Breton Templar - Ashura Namikaze (Voice of Reason)
PvE Altmer Magcro - Zeref Dragneel
PvE Orc Stamcro - Saphira Dragonsbane (Dro-m'Athra Destroyer)
PvE Orc Stam Sorc - Laxus Dreyar
PvE Imperial DK Tank- Tartarus the Abyss
PvE Dumner Magblade - Apex the Destroyer (Flawless Conqueror)
PvE/PVP Orc Stamblade - IIzuna Uchiha
PvE Altmer Warden Healer - Lady Netch
PVP Dumner Mag DK - Lady Embers
vCR +1
Craglorns HM
Sunderflame + similar sets diversity 12 votes
Yes - I wish more sets like these were introduced
No - I prefer it the way it is now