CP Cyrodiil Server Performance

The CP Cyrodiil server performance is quite bad and the game is largely unplayable for me in there. For example, when I attack, sometimes I don't see the damage numbers or they show up after a few seconds. It feels like my attacks are never 'connecting'. In non-CP cyrodiil, I dont have these issues nearly as much and my ping is better. Probably due to much less people, but who cares.
Is this server performance something that ZOS recognizes as a problem and is there any plan to fix this?
  • GhostofDatthaw
    Have you tried checking your internet connection?
  • WuffyCerulei
    You literally answered yourself with “probably due to much less people”. CP 30-day always has a lot of people in it, so it’ll be more laggy.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • NBrookus
    The coming 4 patches are supposed to contain serious work on performance improvements. Hopefully they work.
  • stephbay123
    It’s strange that when the ic event was on I had hardly any disconnects or loading screens. Since the event finished its back to normal. I know they are separate campaigns now but is it just coincidence?
  • magus.septim
    You literally answered yourself with “probably due to much less people”. CP 30-day always has a lot of people in it, so it’ll be more laggy.

    no, my questions are: Is this server performance something that ZOS recognizes as a problem and is there any plan to fix this?
  • Delsskia
    ZOS has known about the performance issues for 5 1/2 years now and they've been promising to try to fix them for just as long. Some of their attempts have helped a very little bit while other attempts have made things worse. Their most recent plan has them saying that things should get better over the course of the next few patches and significantly better in 2020.

    We'll see what happens but my experience with ZOS, when it come to performance, is not to expect much. Better is a relative term. Performance could get a lot better and still not be good.
  • Joy_Division

    no, my questions are: Is this server performance something that ZOS recognizes as a problem and is there any plan to fix this?

    It is something that ZOS recognizes.

    As far as their plan to fix it, there isn;t any. Instead we're giving various band-aid measures like removing deer and nerfing skills that are akin to shortening War and Peace by tearing a single page out of it.
  • Delsskia
    Don't worry though. For having had to suffer through horrible performance for years, there will be a newly re-skinned camel in the crown store for everyone to enjoy for the low low cost of just 3500 crowns.
  • Hashtag_
    NBrookus wrote: »
    The coming 4 patches are supposed to contain serious work on performance improvements. Hopefully they work.

    Those changes aren’t going to fix performance
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