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MagDK Public Dungeon Solo Build?

Hi all,

I have a MagDK with close to 600 CP. I would like to find a build for this character to solo public dungeons. My normal PvE build is 5pc BSW, 5pc War Maiden, 2pc Illandris, but I think that might be too squishy.

Any help would be appreciated.
  • r3turn2s3nd3r
    Couple of things.

    1. Public dungeons are the ones on the maps with the cave looking icon. Assuming these are the one's you are talking about, they are essentially 'overland' content and can be soloed with crafted gear. For a decently geared and even half optimal cp setup you should have no issues in these.

    2. MagDK's are centered and focused on Flame damage. There are VERY FEW DK skills that do magic damage and the ones that do are not going to be the biggest contributors to MagDK dps. In short, I'd suggest ditching War Maiden (which only buffs Magic Damage and Flame damage is NOT Magic damage) for Mother's Sorrow (buffs ALL damage).
  • Dusk_Coven
    Might as well look for a vMA build and be able to do top-tier solo stuff. Why go half-way if you're willing to change your build? No shortage of vMA builds.
  • Hrakus
    Thanks, guys!
    Great advice. I didn't realize that War Maiden only affected a few DK skills. Thanks!
  • msalvia
    To solo PD with that build, just slot a shield and a self heal. You should have no trouble soloing PDs in with that, assuming you do decent damage and don't stand in red stuff.
  • msalvia
    But yeah, War Maiden is a bad choice for a magDK. Much better on a MagNB or Magplar since most of their damage is generic magic damage (non-elemental), at least in their class skills. Mother's Sorrow is fine (but really shines in coordinated groups), as is Spell Strategist (not a meta set, but I consistently get good results with it, at least in single target fights).
  • Banana
    Im using 2 ice heart 5 BSW 5 Bright-Throats at the moment. Will be better next patch with the *** cost increases.
  • SirLeeMinion
    Just to clarify: You are talking about soloing public dungeons, like Root Sunder Ruins in Grahtwood, not group dungeons, like Elden Hollow 1 & 2 in Grahtwood, correct? If that is correct, your current gear is probably fine, and you probably just want to swap out a skill or two for better survival. The mob groups should die to maybe three skills: something along the lines of: elemental blockade or unstable wall as you approach, (dodge roll in if it's a dungeon where the mobs CC a lot), inhale when you are among the mobs, pulsar, and they are all dead before the final inhale fire returns.

    Now, if you are talking about soloing group dungeons like Elden Hollow, Ice Heart mentioned above is really nice. VMA builds work well, as do PvP builds (with different traits) to some extent because CC is often a bigger issue with the final bosses than anything else, especially on vet.
  • Watchdog
    Among my army of alts I have a Breton Magicka Dragonknight. I mostly play solo and exclusively PvE.

    I am running 2x Ilambris, 5x Crafty Alfiq and 5x Law of Julianos on her. She is doing quite fine.
    Member of Alith Legion:
  • Airyus
    A lot of great advice here. You can pretty much get good results with many damage sets. BSW and rattle is nice to free up a skill slot. Remember too that aside from fire damage another strength dk’s have is their abilities that give bigger heals as you do more damage. Inhale, embers... all nice. And their aoe damage is still pretty good. Run into a group of mobs, talons, flame breath, inhale to heal, then everything goes boom. Dropping wall cinderstorm and other ground dots is all viable too. Illambris is fun with a flame and lightning staff back bar. Lots of good options. But if you want th best setup like someone else suggested use a VMA build
  • Taloros
    I can only recommand Bahraha's Curse for such stuff. It's often overlooked, but really, really great to tank or solo groups of mobs. The healing it provides make you near invincible - you can just out-tank most attackers if need be.
  • Haquor
    Hrakus wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I have a MagDK with close to 600 CP. I would like to find a build for this character to solo public dungeons. My normal PvE build is 5pc BSW, 5pc War Maiden, 2pc Illandris, but I think that might be too squishy.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Keep bsw.
    Replace war maiden with julianos (or false gods ideally from sunspire).
    Replace illambris with grothdar if you can for damage or bloodspawn for ulti generation and survivability.

    Buff with volatile armour or shield with dampen magic and cast degeneration.

    Drop eruption, engulfing flames and elemental blockade on the enemy. Stand in the middle of them and use draw essence (excellent heal and good aoe) and after it explodes repeat. Watch grothdar proc and anihilate everything. That will keep you alive and melt enemy.

    Burning embers and flame lash are your single target skills for bosses and leftover enemy. Double cast burning embers for an excellent heal. Flame lash can also provide a heal.

    If in trouble hit dampen magic then Coagulating blood for excellent emergency heal.

    For your ultimate use standard of might for most damage and resource return or leap for funzies. Also shooting star from mages guild is amazing for damage, resource return and ultimate generation.

    Bars could look something like:

    1- engulfing flames, flame lash, burning embers, draw essence, inner light, shooting star/leap
    2-eruption, blockade, degeneration/flex, dampen magic, coagulating blood, standard of might.

    Some other good skills to substitute into flex spot would be channeled acceleration from psijic or reflective plate. Also elemental drain for lo ger fights with bosses or priority targets.

    This is dk primarily skills to keep that class identity. Could use a ranged interupt like crushing shock instead of whip but *** that. Whip is life.

    The above should provide everything you need for solo overlamd content. Even replacing one or two skills will be fine for vma.

    Wish you well!
  • bradleyb01
    Soul Shriven
    Everything Haquor stated is spot on, I run BSW and Spell Strategist (good for taking out bosses) with Grothdar in public and solo normal dungeons mostly spamming flame lash and burning embers with no problems at all. The only public dungeons I can’t solo with this build are ones that require a group mechanic. If I feel the need to knock a bunch of enemies down, I’ll replace grothdar with blood spawn and ferocious leap the heck out of mobs - lots of fun!

    Good luck!
  • Nucklez
    I also agree with Haquor! I've been running a very similar setup to his for quite a long time. I've been enjoying my Mag DK ever since I originally created her. It is my go to class for just having fun. Soloing or duoing normal non vet group dungeons, vMA, definitely public dungeons and other overland content.

    I still use Illambris, it works well, but I do want to grab that Grothdar helm soon. I started out with BSW and Silks of the Sun overland set. I eventually replaced Silks with Siroria from the CR trial. Still running BSW.

    My biggest tip for survival, is to learn to get out of fire ASAP! (Especially if running vamp) So avoid damage, keep moving, and block when you need too. That Psyjic shield passive when you block is nice. Also, if not even more important, is learn the Burning embers heal, like your characters life depends on it. Remember, it stacks on multiple enemies too. Put that $hit on everything! Well, stuff close by, don't go out of your way to chase someone down. Double swipe the closest target with it for a quick heal.

    Mag DK is very squishy, and basically a melee range mage in light armor. Your best method is to keep alert, and get out of danger.
  • El_Borracho
    All public dungeons are solo-able with almost any build. Most of the group event bosses inside are as well, with obvious exceptions like the one in Alik'r.

    Wouldn't worry about making a specific build. Two things you need to focus on are AOE attacks due to the number of mobs you face and a way to self-heal.
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