rotaugen454 wrote: »Spoiler alert!
Before they nerfed him, he WAS like a group dungeon boss in the main quest line. He caused a lot of profanity to come out of my mouth.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Spoiler alert!
Before they nerfed him, he WAS like a group dungeon boss in the main quest line. He caused a lot of profanity to come out of my mouth.
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »rotaugen454 wrote: »Spoiler alert!
Before they nerfed him, he WAS like a group dungeon boss in the main quest line. He caused a lot of profanity to come out of my mouth.
I hear that. I think he was more difficult than Molag Bal back in the day.
Lore based technically kill Mannimarco, and as he is a powerful Necromancer, death is only the beginning. He has a living body in Molag Bal's realm...
Does he turn into a Lich or keep his living body before Daggerfall?
Lore based technically kill Mannimarco, and as he is a powerful Necromancer, death is only the beginning. He has a living body in Molag Bal's realm...
Does he turn into a Lich or keep his living body before Daggerfall?
Joke: If death is only the beginning for him, I want him to start over hundreds of times while farming him
Lazarus_Rising wrote: »You forget that Mannimarco was only defeated through the effort of all the companions not you alone. And in Oblivion he would have instakilled you was it not for Traven.
In every mmorpg the vilain is always the last boss in raid/trial, but not in ESO...
VaranisArano wrote: »Because that honor would go to the Main Quest "Shadow of Sancre Tor". Assuming you finished that, you'd know why he's not the Final Boss of the Main Quest line.
I mean, Mannimarco wants to be the top dog, but we all know that's not going to happen until the conclusion to TES II Daggerfall when he becomes the Necromancer's Moon. And even then, we still kick his butt in TES IV Oblivion's Mages Guild questline.
Mannimarco: not as good as he thinks he is.
Or in the words of Abnur Tharn: "I find it hilarious that Mannimarco chose such a massive projected appearance. He's obviously overcompensating for something."
VaranisArano wrote: »Because that honor would go to the Main Quest "Shadow of Sancre Tor". Assuming you finished that, you'd know why he's not the Final Boss of the Main Quest line.
I mean, Mannimarco wants to be the top dog, but we all know that's not going to happen until the conclusion to TES II Daggerfall when he becomes the Necromancer's Moon. And even then, we still kick his butt in TES IV Oblivion's Mages Guild questline.
Mannimarco: not as good as he thinks he is.
Or in the words of Abnur Tharn: "I find it hilarious that Mannimarco chose such a massive projected appearance. He's obviously overcompensating for something."
lordrichter wrote: »Lazarus_Rising wrote: »You forget that Mannimarco was only defeated through the effort of all the companions not you alone. And in Oblivion he would have instakilled you was it not for Traven.
I dunno about that. The first time I took on Mannimarco in ESO, I seem to recall that all of them "companion types" hung around by the entrance and drank tea while I did all the work.
Čičiliusku wrote: »Wait, I thought that only one of the endings in TES II could be canon, depending on what you choose to do with the mantella.
Karminathevamp wrote: »Because, like all the others, he is coming back again in a future DLC.
Čičiliusku wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »Because that honor would go to the Main Quest "Shadow of Sancre Tor". Assuming you finished that, you'd know why he's not the Final Boss of the Main Quest line.
I mean, Mannimarco wants to be the top dog, but we all know that's not going to happen until the conclusion to TES II Daggerfall when he becomes the Necromancer's Moon. And even then, we still kick his butt in TES IV Oblivion's Mages Guild questline.
Mannimarco: not as good as he thinks he is.
Or in the words of Abnur Tharn: "I find it hilarious that Mannimarco chose such a massive projected appearance. He's obviously overcompensating for something."
Wait, I thought that only one of the endings in TES II could be canon, depending on what you choose to do with the mantella.
YES! I feel with you, I sent my main against him so many times only to leave near tears after a dozend respawns without even coming close to beating him... twice - at level 40, and at level 45... only at 50, ten levels overleveled (back when that was still a thing) did I finally win that fight!rotaugen454 wrote: »Before they nerfed him, he WAS like a group dungeon boss in the main quest line. He caused a lot of profanity to come out of my mouth.
Well, he DID call his little cult "The order of the black WORM"...VaranisArano wrote: »Or in the words of Abnur Tharn: "I find it hilarious that Mannimarco chose such a massive projected appearance. He's obviously overcompensating for something."
lordrichter wrote: »Lazarus_Rising wrote: »You forget that Mannimarco was only defeated through the effort of all the companions not you alone. And in Oblivion he would have instakilled you was it not for Traven.
I dunno about that. The first time I took on Mannimarco in ESO, I seem to recall that all of them "companion types" hung around by the entrance and drank tea while I did all the work.
redgreensunset wrote: »Edit. I wonder what what canon will do with the outcome of the Skyrim Civil War in TES VI.
lordrichter wrote: »redgreensunset wrote: »Edit. I wonder what what canon will do with the outcome of the Skyrim Civil War in TES VI.
What I expect is that the messing around with time using the Elder Scrolls and the win over Alduin reset the timeline so that the events of TES 5 never officially happened. Time split, the Dragonborn, and all he or she did after that, continued on in an alternate timeline that is separate from what happens next in Tamriel.
What I want is for them to just declare the winner and use that as the basis for the fall of the Thalmor-backed Empire, which somehow ties into the events of TES 6.
I am more curious about how the future sees the resolution of all that has happened in ESO. Will Todd just decide to ignore it all using some sort of time device, like I mention above, or find a way to incorporate it into the game via books? I can say right now that if Todd ignores ESO, or writes it off in some time discontinuity, I won't be buying his game. (Edit: I would see that as a turf war between BGS and ZOS, and frankly, I would rather just walk away)
lordrichter wrote: »redgreensunset wrote: »Edit. I wonder what what canon will do with the outcome of the Skyrim Civil War in TES VI.
What I expect is that the messing around with time using the Elder Scrolls and the win over Alduin reset the timeline so that the events of TES 5 never officially happened. Time split, the Dragonborn, and all he or she did after that, continued on in an alternate timeline that is separate from what happens next in Tamriel.
What I want is for them to just declare the winner and use that as the basis for the fall of the Thalmor-backed Empire, which somehow ties into the events of TES 6.
I am more curious about how the future sees the resolution of all that has happened in ESO. Will Todd just decide to ignore it all using some sort of time device, like I mention above, or find a way to incorporate it into the game via books? I can say right now that if Todd ignores ESO, or writes it off in some time discontinuity, I won't be buying his game. (Edit: I would see that as a turf war between BGS and ZOS, and frankly, I would rather just walk away)
Cool, I love it when RPGs make my choices completely meaningless.
I suppose it's too much to ask for them to have their official cannon but allow us to Dragon Age Keep our own in there.
lordrichter wrote: »lordrichter wrote: »redgreensunset wrote: »Edit. I wonder what what canon will do with the outcome of the Skyrim Civil War in TES VI.
What I expect is that the messing around with time using the Elder Scrolls and the win over Alduin reset the timeline so that the events of TES 5 never officially happened. Time split, the Dragonborn, and all he or she did after that, continued on in an alternate timeline that is separate from what happens next in Tamriel.
What I want is for them to just declare the winner and use that as the basis for the fall of the Thalmor-backed Empire, which somehow ties into the events of TES 6.
I am more curious about how the future sees the resolution of all that has happened in ESO. Will Todd just decide to ignore it all using some sort of time device, like I mention above, or find a way to incorporate it into the game via books? I can say right now that if Todd ignores ESO, or writes it off in some time discontinuity, I won't be buying his game. (Edit: I would see that as a turf war between BGS and ZOS, and frankly, I would rather just walk away)
Cool, I love it when RPGs make my choices completely meaningless.
I suppose it's too much to ask for them to have their official cannon but allow us to Dragon Age Keep our own in there.
Well, they set up Skyrim with a player decision, which goes over great for that game, but presents the inevitable reality that the player's actions don't really matter when it comes to the sequel.
With the Three Banners War in ESO Cyrodiil, the best decision along those lines is to simply say that the war ended and none of the three won, but that still makes the player actions irrelevant.
lordrichter wrote: »lordrichter wrote: »redgreensunset wrote: »Edit. I wonder what what canon will do with the outcome of the Skyrim Civil War in TES VI.
What I expect is that the messing around with time using the Elder Scrolls and the win over Alduin reset the timeline so that the events of TES 5 never officially happened. Time split, the Dragonborn, and all he or she did after that, continued on in an alternate timeline that is separate from what happens next in Tamriel.
What I want is for them to just declare the winner and use that as the basis for the fall of the Thalmor-backed Empire, which somehow ties into the events of TES 6.
I am more curious about how the future sees the resolution of all that has happened in ESO. Will Todd just decide to ignore it all using some sort of time device, like I mention above, or find a way to incorporate it into the game via books? I can say right now that if Todd ignores ESO, or writes it off in some time discontinuity, I won't be buying his game. (Edit: I would see that as a turf war between BGS and ZOS, and frankly, I would rather just walk away)
Cool, I love it when RPGs make my choices completely meaningless.
I suppose it's too much to ask for them to have their official cannon but allow us to Dragon Age Keep our own in there.
Well, they set up Skyrim with a player decision, which goes over great for that game, but presents the inevitable reality that the player's actions don't really matter when it comes to the sequel.
With the Three Banners War in ESO Cyrodiil, the best decision along those lines is to simply say that the war ended and none of the three won, but that still makes the player actions irrelevant.