Repair kit not working

I have 25 Repair Kits. None of them I can use to repair my armor. I can sell, stack, unstack, get help, destroy, and put to text in game. I have no "use" option that will let me actually make use of this item. If I right on an armor to scroll down to repair and I still can't repair. Help please?
  • nickl413
    The correct way to use them is to right click on the armor you need to repair and select "repair" from the drop down menu. A box should pop up with a list of repair kits you have in your inventory. Select the repair kit you would like to use and hit shift key or the button on screen. Be sure you are not trying to repair something that is already at 100% as nothing will happen when you select "repair" from the drop down menu. Be sure you have not locked the repair kits with an addon like FCO.

    If you are using Crown repair kits, they only require you to double click the kit, like you would any consumable. and it auto repairs all your armor. But those would have a "use" option in the drop down.

    Be sure you are not trying to use a Siege repair kit :wink:
    Edited by nickl413 on September 29, 2019 1:53PM
  • Mystic_warrior71
    Thank you but I did right click on item and it would not repair the helm. The helm stated it was broke with the red symbol on bottom left screen. Maybe cleaning cache will help me?
    Edited by Mystic_warrior71 on September 29, 2019 2:21PM
  • nickl413
    The helm symbol at the bottom of the screen is just an alert for any broken piece of armor, not necessarily the helm, even though it always is a helm symbol. Confusing I know. You cant repair the helm because it is not the piece that's broken. Hover over your other armor to find which ones needs repair. The helm symbol should go away after that.
    Edited by nickl413 on September 29, 2019 5:09PM
  • Mystic_warrior71
    Thanks but still can't use crown repair kit at "use" to click on. Thanks
  • nickl413
    Ok so is it a crown repair kit or a regular repair kit?

    Did you find which piece of armor is broken?
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