Watch the first part again, > watch the Guard Icon, i`m casting it and instant death, on the 3-rd clip is not Health desync because my Troll King is not being triggered I`m wearing Forti brass + Alessian + steed wich is 1700-1900 health recovery
With Troll King it goes up to 4500, so no i did not die from Health desync there, also when you die from Health Desnyc you CANNOT RES it is like a regular death, but when you insta die from guard, you get visual bug that you can rez (but actually you are alive and you need to use stuck.command to killurself)
This is my favorite PvP role, to be guardian to protect, heal and tank and since the changes to the Damage link of guard few patches ago, this freaking bug is killing me almost every single time when my guarded ally dies or it just happens randomly without any logical reason in a middle of a battle:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAc_LVlMR9Q&feature=youtu.be