I am sick of this BUG - Guard Instant Kill

This is my favorite PvP role, to be guardian to protect, heal and tank and since the changes to the Damage link of guard few patches ago, this freaking bug is killing me almost every single time when my guarded ally dies or it just happens randomly without any logical reason in a middle of a battle:
  • Kel
    It looks like desync.

    When your health bar looks like it's in good shape but you're actually close to death.
  • RouDeR
    Kel wrote: »
    It looks like desync.

    When your health bar looks like it's in good shape but you're actually close to death.

    This is not desync
  • Kel
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    It looks like desync.

    When your health bar looks like it's in good shape but you're actually close to death.

    This is not desync

    The very first clip you don't even have guard up. You go in with full health and while standing in AoE's, (something constant through the video) your health bar doesn't move at all and you just die.

    Looks like a classic case of desync to me. Can't blame guard in that first clip. There's literally no one to guard.

    3rd clip the person you have guard on doesn't even die. Happens to us all. And it happens when our health is desync'ed.
    Edited by Kel on September 29, 2019 1:35AM
  • RouDeR
    Watch the first part again, > watch the Guard Icon, i`m casting it and instant death, on the 3-rd clip is not Health desync because my Troll King is not being triggered I`m wearing Forti brass + Alessian + steed wich is 1700-1900 health recovery

    With Troll King it goes up to 4500, so no i did not die from Health desync there, also when you die from Health Desnyc you CANNOT RES it is like a regular death, but when you insta die from guard, you get visual bug that you can rez (but actually you are alive and you need to use stuck.command to killurself)
    Edited by RouDeR on September 29, 2019 1:39AM
  • Kel
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Watch the first part again, > watch the Guard Icon, i`m casting it and instant death, on the 3-rd clip is not Health desync because my Troll King is not being triggered I`m wearing Forti brass + Alessian + steed wich is 1700-1900 health recovery

    With Troll King it goes up to 4500, so no i did not die from Health desync there, also when you die from Health Desnyc you CANNOT RES it is like a regular death, but when you insta die from guard, you get visual bug that you can rez (but actually you are alive and you need to use stuck.command to killurself)

    I can admit when I'm wrong.
    You'll have to forgive me...I've never seen this before...looks frustrating as hell

  • BoraxFlux
    How does the Guardskill-bug work, sure it isn't the punishment you received?

    I see you take some hefty damage around 0:33 for example: 54.781 K, from a DK Dragon Leap I think, your full health must be around 37 K.

  • Ratzkifal
    RouDer protecc
    RouDer attacc
    But most importantly,
    he wants his bug-free game bacc
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • RouDeR
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    How does the Guardskill-bug work, sure it isn't the punishment you received?

    I see you take some hefty damage around 0:33 for example: 54.781 K, from a DK Dragon Leap I think, your full health must be around 37 K.


    This is 5473 critical damage not 54k :)
  • eso_lags
    RouDeR wrote: »
    This is my favorite PvP role, to be guardian to protect, heal and tank and since the changes to the Damage link of guard few patches ago, this freaking bug is killing me almost every single time when my guarded ally dies or it just happens randomly without any logical reason in a middle of a battle:

    Looks like a health desync but if what you say in some other comments is true then its a big with guard which looks pretty bad. But if you'll humor me, did you get hit with a bow ulti at all before you died? Couldnt see one in the video but there is a lot going on. Because the bow ulti is like a guaranteed health desync right now. Its awful and there is nothing in the patch notes about it. And its still like that on the PTS. But if not then ya I'd say this is a pretty bad issue. Add it to the list of PVP issues that dont or wont get fixed for years. Awful, truly.
  • Major_Lag
    Guard has been bugged for quite a while.

    Try casting Guard on an ally and channel Symbiosis on them - and while doing that, go stand in lava (both of you).
    After several seconds you will drop dead while remaining at 100% health, because of the Guard desync :D
  • BoraxFlux
    RouDeR wrote: »
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    How does the Guardskill-bug work, sure it isn't the punishment you received?

    I see you take some hefty damage around 0:33 for example: 54.781 K, from a DK Dragon Leap I think, your full health must be around 37 K.


    This is 5473 critical damage not 54k :)

    Lol, after a fresher brain and a better look, exclamation mark made my number, damn, I wanted what the DK was having.
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