MotokoHutt wrote: »add an ample bosom and hey presto female goblin hype ^_^.
Not every Female creature needs to have enlarged Mammary Glands.
Not every Female creature needs to have enlarged Mammary Glands.
Nuu!MotokoHutt wrote: »Can we please please please pleeeeaaaasssee get a female goblin pollymorph or disguise...
Not every Female creature needs to have enlarged Mammary Glands.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »
Apparently they do because lamia and argonians have boobs even though there's probably no reasonable reason they need any. Last I checked, reptiles don't nurse young with milk from boobs.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »
MotokoHutt wrote: »
ES4 Oblivion would beg to differ ^_^ and frankly I class that game as a more reliable sorce of acurate lore then I do ESO. x
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »
I’ve seen too much internet I know where this is going.SpoilerNo judgement op. In the mean time you can put that new green skin that’s in the crown store right now on a female Bosmer and use a hunched over personality like “thief”
I’ve seen too much internet I know where this is going.SpoilerNo judgement op. In the mean time you can put that new green skin that’s in the crown store right now on a female Bosmer and use a hunched over personality like “thief”
Shewolf075 wrote: »How did you glitch out the helmet?
CardboardedBox wrote: »My main character permanently wears the goblin morph, so I was pretty happy to find you could put beards and tattoos on them now, but still mad about the helmet.
Even though I'm convinced the beard and tattoos is an unintentional bug, it better stay that way.
Shewolf075 wrote: »I'm pretty sure the helmet on the goblin polymorph was toggable at one point.
All skeletons are male too. Change your female char to skeleton and do the redguard dance, you'll see what I mean.