From watching my extremely talented friends and working hard myself, I would like to share some tips on how to use
@R_K 's (Cardinal05) program well.
Stabby's top ten hints for EHT (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER):
1. Watch Cardi's videos. These are easy to find with a simple search on Youtube or even through the program itself.
2. watch [edit due to twitch being stupid]
3. On that note, start with fx, they are easiest to learn, then move on to building. Animation should probably be last because it's the hardest. When first using the program, mouse over the wand icon to get the list.
4. When placing fx, the best way to make them look less fake is to lower the brightness of the item 2-3 levels. This is KEY. The fx come out at their brightest for those instances when you need that, but most do not need that level of brightness.
5. How not to flicker: try not to layer fx, as it can cause flickering. If you have no choice, try moving one forward a few pixels. This also works for when you perfectly align furnishings and the base ZOS game flickers.
6. Don't be afraid to play with size. Ships for example could be ginormous, but also ships in a bottle.
7. After you are familiar with fx, try playing around with maybe your storage house, selecting all and using the build option. Here you can fiddle with numbers and build constructs. This is how many people (myself included) build our freestanding buildings. This requires patience to learn, but you will learn it, just by doing it!
7. You can get really precise on how much you move things with custom precision moving (check settings to set this)
8. Hitting q when an item is selected opens up the details on the item and lets you play with numbers. For advanced users: Keep in mind that when you have Q open that's ALL that moves when you move things with the directionals, so if you have a ton of stuff selected, it won't touch it. This can be a blessing and a curse. Just close Q and go back to what you are doing to continue.
9. Burying an npc underground lets you give anything the ability to speak
10. Try select by radius. It's amazing. Also try select by distance to grab that stupid wall you put out in God Knows Where.
11. TRY OUT THE OPEN HOUSE FEATURE! This lets you tour other homes that people have opened for viewing, and also lets you open your home to viewing as well. Touring other homes can give you ideas and understanding of how to use EHT.
12. Watch
@JHartEllis stream - especially his contests and housing hike on Fridays. Don't be intimidated to have him tour your house, even if you are a beginner. He is incredibly kind and gentle, and frankly, so is the WHOLE housing community. You will get nothing but support. People are at all levels of ability and knowledge about house building, and you can learn something from the very newbiest newb to someone who can build amazing things out of nothing.
13. If you are the kind of person who prefers not to use fx because you feel it's kind of cheating (I don't agree, but hey, I gotcha) keep in mind you can put in small touches. My Three Little Bears house works just as well without smoke coming from the porridge. Small touches can completely transform your home.
14. Send
@R_K your love and appreciation for giving us this tool that has changed my entire building experience.
To my fellow EHT zealots, feel free to add your own.